Monday, December 29, 2008

December Books

Just 6 books this month, and I'm actually still reading one of them! It's been a busy month.

1. Mortal Danger by Ann Rule. This is her latest book, true crime and very good.
2. Home by Julie Andrews. This is an autobiography, it deals with her life from birth up until the 60's or thereabouts. I'm hoping she'll write a book that takes up from where this one leaves off.
3. One Minute to Midnight by Michael Dobbs. About the Cuban Missile Crisis, very informative and I highly recommend this one for anyone interested in history. Which we all should be!
4. May the Force by With Us, Please! Foxtrot collection by Bill Amend. Foxtrot is a cartoon strip that I don't think is still being written. Funny!
5. Firefly Summer by Maeve Binchy. This is the one I'm still reading, I've read it before and am close to being finished with it.
6. Amigurumi - Super Happy Crochet Cute by Elisabeth A. Doherty. Froggy, I think you told me about this or one similar. It's got patterns to crochet some really cute animals and I'll probably make a few.
We went to the library today, I got several books but I don't think I'll actually get to sit down and read for a few days. Busy, busy and tired!
We've been thrifting today. Among other things, I found a vintage lamp that might be Fenton or Wright, but could also be Imperial Glass. I'm leaning towards Wright. It's probably a little on the tacky side, but I like it so it doesn't matter! It's brass with a center milk glass area in moonstone pattern. Which probably means nothing unless you are a fan or collector of glass! :) I'll get a picture posted of it later.
Otter gave me my official text lesson, so I now am able to text! I'm not the fastest texter, but I can at least get my message across. Although it took me a couple of tries this afternoon when I was trying to send Froggy pictures. Otter likes the camera phone feature, especially the fact that it has video capability. She tried to take a video of Frasier, but all it would have shown is that his chest was rising and falling and the fact that he was snoring! Like he's doing now. Of course, Bill is also snoring away on the couch so Frasier is at least in good company.

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