Sunday, December 28, 2008

Some Sunday Stuff

It's kind of cold this morning, the cars are frosted but it's warming up a little. Not much, but at least enough that the frost on the cars is evaporating. It's supposed to be nice for the next few days, but I don't think we'll get over 60 degrees. But it won't be extremely cold, either, so I'm not complaining!

Yesterday was a very nice day, I enjoyed my birthday a lot. We didn't do much since it was Saturday, but it was the perfect relaxing day that I wanted. After sunset, we did go out for my birthday dinner. We went to a chinese buffet. I didn't overdo it too much, but it was still very good. Then we went to Lowe's where Bill could buy another power tool - if there is a way to hurt himself with a belt sander, he'll find it! :)

Otter gave me a cell phone holder for my birthday. It's got the Texas Longhorns logo on it. However, it's just a tiny bit too small for my phone! Since we were thinking my phone would probably need to be replaced soon anyway, Bill suggested I go cell phone shopping today. So I think I'm going to take his suggestion. My phone number should not change, I'm not changing companies and even if I did the number is portable. I am going to look into a camera phone, but I don't really need or want most of the other features that are available on cell phones.

Anybody that knows us knows how we feel about Israel. The banner on my blog about supporting Isreal is exactly what it sounds like - we WILL and DO support Israel. Right now, I think it's a good time to ask for prayers for their situation. Isreal did not start the current trouble, but they are attempting to end it. They are responding to a serious threat that included hamas (they don't earn capital letters from me) launching rockets into Israel. I have a blog buddy who lives in Israel, she and her husband are expecting their first child in a few weeks and it's a very scary time for them. So I really hope that anybody reading this will add their prayers to ours for Israel and the Israeli people. They are in a tough spot in a lot of ways. But to listen to the news reports, Israel is the aggressor against the "innocent" (yeah, right) hamas idiots!

We saw a skunk yesterday, meandering across the area behind us that used to be a field. There are a few houses out there now. We had some pretty strong storms yesterday morning, lots of wind and rain. Skunks are pretty much nocturnal, but they are also burrowing animals and this one looked pretty wet. It was not acting strange, so the fact that it was out in the daytime was probably because it's burrow was flooded and it had to move or drown. But we are going to keep an eye out for it, since in all probability it lives in the general vicinity. I'm not too worried about it, but I am more than a little concerned about Frasier! However, if he did manage to get over the electric fence and play with the "kitty", I think he'd have to walk to the groomers to get de-skunked because there is NO WAY I would let him inside the house or the car! But hopefully, we won't have that problem. We had been about to unplug the electric fence, since he hasn't gotten out of their small yard lately and we think that he figured out that it's going to keep biting him. But as smart as he is, and as stubborn, if he sees something out there that he wants bad enough, he just might be willing to endure being shocked to get it.
Watch this space! I might have another post this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

I can just picture Frasier playing with the skunk and then you driving the car and him walking along beside it on his leash.

Anonymous said...

I had forgotten your birthday was this time of year too. Something else we have in common. Happy (belated) birthday!