Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Spring Summer Fall Winter

We've had all the weather in the last 24 hours that would go with each season. It was warm yesterday morning, like spring. Then it was windy, a warm wind out of the south so that was summer. Then it got cooler and the remaining leaves on the trees all blew down, which was fall. Then we had a brief touch of spring with a thunderstorm last night, which was accompanied by high winds. Today, it's winter again. It's an upside down day, warm early and then cold. It's in the 30's now, it was in the high 40's when we got up this morning. But by 2:30 when I left work, the car was wearing ice and there was sleet coming down. The roads were ok, but could be a little slick later on. It depends on how much sleet comes down, but the ground is still warm enough that we won't have to deal with too much of a problem. Otter and I saw a couple of snow flakes, but it stopped fast.

We started out in jackets this morning, but I grabbed our coats on the way out the door. By the time I got to work, it was pretty windy so I decided to take my coat inside in case I needed it at lunch. Which I did. Then when I picked Otter up at school, I called her and told her to stay inside until I got there because the wind was really strong and really cold. Also it was sleeting pretty good at that point. Normally, once the bell rings the students have about 10 minutes before they get booted out. But since it was so cold today, they were allowed to stay inside until their ride got there. So Otter was waiting inside, and she put her coat on when she got in the car. We had a couple of errands to run, so it was a good thing we had the coats.

I think we got a little under an inch of rain last night. My rain barrel is now back up to about 1/2 full. Frasier was still in the small yard today, which was a smart decision on his part as the only shelter he would have had in the bigger part of the yard is the dog house. And he won't use it for anything!

Here are a few pictures of some of our crafting lately. Otter and I made bulletin boards, with a great deal of help from Bill and his staple gun. Otter's is first, it's a wooden board covered with cotton batting, then covered with fabric. She chose a Kanji print. (Japanese writing). The boards can be put up two directions, but Otter's has to be hung the way she's holding it because the print is directional.

The next step involves attaching ribbon, and where each ribbon crosses is a brad similar to a thumb tack, but with a longer "nail" part attached.

The next one is mine, I forgot to take a picture of it until after it was finished. Otter is holding it up for me, so that's her arm. In the pictures of hers, she is headless! Our bedroom is decorated with palm trees, I thought the mossy green was a good color since I couldn't find fabric with palm trees on it that would work. I had some that would have worked very well, I bought it a couple of years ago when we were going to make a shower curtain for our non-standard sized shower but then we were able to find a glass door that worked after all. I couldn't think of another project to use the fabric for, so I put it on eBay. Which always means that I'll need it soon! One of these days, I'll learn...

I finished Froggy's scarf last night. Texas A & M colors, although in my neck of the woods it would be considered OU colors. But since I'm Texan, I'm not about to consider it OU maroon! But I am pleased with it, I think it turned out well. Froggy, in case I forget: machine washable, cold water. Lay it flat to dry if you can. Drying it in the dryer might shrink it, if you hang it to dry it may stretch. It's acrylic yarn, I don't think the color will run but just in case - don't wash it with the boy's or hubby's clothing! Otherwise, they might have to wear pink. And if your hubby is like mine, that would simply not happen! And since your hubby is like mine in a lot of ways, let's just save ourselves some grief. :)

I have another scarf project, for one of Froggy's friends. The lady I'm making it for likes red and bright colors. I found the prettiest yarn yesterday, it's a varigated red and the color name is Lipstick. I think I'm going to use that color by itself since it's varigated. I'll post a picture when I get it finished. I will probably start it in the next few days, and I'll probably spend a lot of my Saturday on it. If I can wait that long! The scarves are easy, they are a very basic stitch and it goes fast. I think I'm going to branch out a bit and try a different pattern, after I get the Lipstick scarf done. I do occasionally make other things, but I keep going back to scarves and clothes hanger covers for some reason.

Froggy, do you remember the crochet bedspread Mom and I made? It was a bunch of granny squares stitched together. I have no idea what happened to it, I don't think we came across it when we cleaned out their house after Dad died. I don't remember what color it was, it seems like it was a lot of different colors but it could have been red & grey (school colors). It probably was red & grey, but I don't really remember. I have a large granny square that is red and grey, it's about lap blanket size. But that's not the one I am thinking about. Kimberly, do you by any chance have it? Since you went to the same high school that Froggy, Toadly and I did. NOTE: SCHOOL NAME NOT MENTIONED FOR PRIVACY REASONS! So please don't mention it if you leave me a comment - long story, but there is a reason I don't use identifiable names, etc.

We had a local election today. I voted, it was about 3:30 when I got there. There were two ballots, so they were counted seperately. I was number 240. Which means that only about 120 people have voted today. Considering that this vote had to do with extending taxes on things, you'd think that more people would vote! But apparently not. I have never understood that and never will.

I think I'm going to go nudge the heater up a little bit and see what I can come up with for dinner. Bill's working at his dad's rent house this evening, so I'm not actually cooking since who knows what time he'll be home. Otter had an early dinner tonight, she wanted a hot dog from Quick Trip (convenience store). So she had dinner about 3:00. I'm sure she'll be hunting for a snack pretty soon! I've been looking for a reason to post this picture:

Hot Dog, anybody? :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had a high of 85 yesterday and a low last night of 34 with sleet and snow flurries.
Lucky won't go in her dog house either, except to get her food and pull it outside. Crazy dog.
I am pretty sure that the bedspread was red and gray. I don't remember seeing it either. Maybe you took it with you when you moved out.
We are having chili dogs tonight. homemade chili. Froggy