Monday, July 14, 2008

Busy Monday!

Froggy told me to stay busy. I think she must have also called my bosses and told them to keep me busy! I hardly had time to breathe today, it was one thing after another and they were all things that could have been dealt with without a big fuss. But when you are a 90 year old man, I guess everything is a big, major deal. Just being alive at that age can be a big, major deal! So I don't complain too much.

Looks like there is another house being built in the area behind us, formerly known as the front cow pasture. This one is not directly behind us, but it is more behind us than the first two are. The privacy was nice, but I guess it was just a matter of time. Sigh.

Otter, Magginator wants you to come home! She's been like a shadow ever since I came home without Otter yesterday. When I was heading for bed last night, I glanced into Otter's room and the beagle was up in the middle of the bed. Maggie had the blanket that she normally sleeps on, she had it between her front paws and it looked like she was hugging it. She looked so sad! And she's hardly let me out of her sight this afternoon.
Bill was able to get into the pool yesterday. He hasn't been in it yet this summer, because of the spot on his leg where the skin cancer was removed. It's still not totally healed, but it's close. So he decided to chance the pool and it doesn't seem to have bothered the spot. We had a nice swim, and Maggie sat on the deck and stared at the pool the entire time we were in it!
We had another turtle in the yard on Saturday. Otter and I were about to get in the pool when Frasier suddenly got very interested in an area by the back fence, so we figured that it was either a turtle, frog or possibly snake. It was a small, female box turtle. She was not a timid turtle! She wasn't aggressive, but she wasn't afraid either. We decided to leave her in the yard. One of these days, Frasier is probably going to get the lesson about turtles and he'll learn exactly what that long neck is good for! I think that is the 3rd one we've found this year, but it might be the 4th. Still lots of frogs also, but I haven't seen any snakes this year.
We also had a stowaway tree frog. I brought my cactus plants in Saturday evening since it was about to rain. And there was a tiny, grey tree frog on one of the pots. It jumped onto another plant after I brought the cactus inside, and we caught it in Otter's bug jar so we could take it back outside. Otter has always liked insect life - she is her mother's daughter, after all - and when she was little she bought an insect collection kit. She always let the bugs go after she caught them, and she still has the jar. It comes in very handy when we have spiders we need to relocate so Maggie won't eat them. It also works for tree frogs!
Froggy, before I forget: When I told Otter that your new dog's name is Lucky, she reminded me of the joke about a dog being named Lucky usually being the one that is constantly getting hurt. Just thought you should know. Although naming it Bill would probably be a really bad omen! :)

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