Friday, July 04, 2008

Some Miscellaneous Ramblilngs from Friday

We aren't having a big celebration this year. We decided to skip the fireworks since nobody is here this year. Otter has a few small ones that we got her earlier today, and we're going to have some steaks later. But that's the extent of our celebration. Which is fine with us!

I've caught up on all my laundry, I have not done much this week since I had to entertain Froggy and that meant that I had to make the sacrifice of going to thrift stores. Such a hard job that was... :)

Otter and I went to the Dollar Store this morning. Always a fun place! Found a few things we needed and a few things we just wanted. We also took our recycling stuff to drop off and then we took a bag of stuff to donate to Goodwill. Since we were there already, we shopped! Otter found a t-shirt and a pair of jeans and I found FENTON! 3 small saucer-type bowls in the set that I have some pieces to, for $1.00 each. One is cracked so it might become something to craft with. The set that they match is a place setting, I have 3 plates and 4 cups to it and I think maybe another piece or two. I was happy to find it. This is the same store where I found the Fenton basket last week. I'm thinking that they might have had several pieces donated at once. It's not a widely collected item.

Then we went to a fireworks stand for her stuff before coming home to get our housecleaning chores done before sunset. Otter ran the vacuum, we both worked on the aforementioned laundry, I posted more of the eBay stuff and then Bill wanted to go to Lowe's. So I went with him, and I found another cactus. It's not very big, but it's cute. Froggy, it will probably be planted in the planter I bought last Friday when you were here and we went to Atwood's.

Bill's feeling a lot better, although he has now developed the rash he sometimes gets with fever. It is not a rash related to the antibiotic, it's caused by the fever he's had. He's going to take it easy the rest of the weekend.
Hardly seems like we've been off work a week already. Most of my time was spent shopping, visiting and running around with Froggy. And I enjoyed it greatly! It just seems like the week went by fast. It's been a very good vacation.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I thought you were shopped out. We had already shopped until we dropped.
I had a ball during my visit. Wish it could be longer and that we lived closer to each other.
Can't wait until Christmas.
Remember it is your turn next year.