Thursday, July 24, 2008

More of My Rambling Thoughts

Several things on my mind today. I guess I'll start with the phone call I got from Froggy while ago. The one where she stole my line: "We're Fine! If you hear anything on the news about our weather, we're ok." That line. The one I usually use when we've had twisty stuff in the area. The line that she used today because THEY had twisty stuff in the area. The hurricane, Dolly, went in pretty far south but it was such a big storm that SA and points north have gotten a lot of rain out of it. And not just rain, SA had a couple of those aforementioned twisty things with a few possible touch-downs. I remember a few of those hurricane related experiences myself! Froggy had quite a busy afternoon, and she'll probably never want to see again what she saw today looking out her back door! Can't really say I blame her, either. Been there, done that! Don't want to do it again.

Otter's flight yesterday was perfect timing, considering how bad their weather got yesterday afternoon and evening.

Otter had her day at home today. She slept in, she called me about 9:30 to tell me she was up. Not that she was awake, just that she was up. She didn't have a lot of chores for today, I wasn't that mean. However, tomorrow is another day! :) At the moment, she is in the pool.

It's been pretty warm here, which is normal for this time of year. We should get the 100 + stuff this weekend but it will only last for a few days, unlike South Texas so I don't really complain too much about it. We'll spend a lot of time in the pool anyway.

I'm still thinking about simplifying. I've actually done a lot of that over the last few months. Along with slowing down, we're also cleaning out and getting rid of a lot of stuff. We have so much junk that we don't need/want/use! So we've been de-cluttering, which I absolutely love to do and Bill & Otter absolutely hate to do. At any given moment, there is usually at least one and frequently more boxes and/or bags of stuff near the front door that will be taken to Goodwill to donate.

I also want to get a rain barrel. Bill thinks that it's a good idea, so I don't think I'm going to get any resistance from him. We might actually get two, with the amount of rain we get here. That might be next spring's project. I would prefer to just go buy one, but we haven't seen any locally. I don't really want to order one and pay shipping, I'm thinking that Atwood's Farm & Ranch Store (one of Froggy's favorite stores here) might carry them but they would be a springtime item. We don't want to use a trash can because it wouldn't have strong enough sides to handle the freezes we get. Something along the lines of a 55-gallon barrel would work.

Our sales tax holiday starts a week from tomorrow. It's Friday through Sunday, August 1 through 3. Otter doesn't really need a lot of clothes to start school on, but there are a few things she does need and we're going to look then. Quite a few places are taking advantage of the no sales tax and having additional sales. I am also in the market for a couple more skirts, so I'll look then as well. Otter is going to need a new coat, but I haven't seen any in the stores yet.

Otter had a visual lesson today about driving. After I got home, I picked her up and we ran a couple of errands. In one parking lot, I saw someone in an SUV pulling out of a parking spot so I decided to wait and get that spot. But then I saw him back out and back right into a small car that was also backing out at the same time, the little car had a pretty smushed bumper after that. I also think that the SUV driver was about to run, because he started to pull forward and then I could see him looking around at all the people that had witnessed the accident. I went to the next aisle over and parked, but it was a good learning experience for Otter and she now understands just why it's so important to look when you are backing out!
Ok, I've rambled enough for now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are so right. I don't want any more twisty stuff. Even the threat is to much. I also want to do the rainwater catchment. I need to put up a rain gutter across my back porch and buy and set up a catcher of some type. Texas Parks and Wildlife magazine has a description of how to set one up and I am sure that there is more on the net about them. I will be researching them next. Froggy