Thursday, July 03, 2008

Thursday's First of Probably Two Posts

It's 7:00 a.m. I'm listening to the lovely, musical sounds of a beagle snoring. The dogs have been up for a couple of hours, but Maggie has decided it's time for one of her many naps. Frasier is probably outside somewhere, the last time I saw him he was heading out to the back yard when I opened their gate.

Froggy might possibly be awake, Otter is still crashed out on the couch. Bill has been up since shortly after the dogs and I got up about an hour ago. Why is it that on my vacation, I can't sleep in no matter how hard I try? But come Monday and having to go back to work, I will have to drag myself out of bed!

In a few hours, we'll leave for the post office and Braum's to eat lunch, then take Froggy to the airport. It seems like she just got here, and now it's time for her to leave. I wish she could stay a little longer, but her kids are probably ready for Mom to come home. I guess I'd better let her go then, but only because I have to! I have really enjoyed Froggy's visit and so has Otter. I think Froggy has too, and I'm sure that all the thrift stores in the Tulsa area will miss her. I think we hit most of them.

After we take Froggy to the airport, Otter and I are going to the grocery store. Otter would probably prefer not to make that particular trip, but she's a captive audience so she has to go with me. Poor baby!

The rest of our vacation will be spent around the house, I'm still listing eBay stuff for Larry's widow and I want to get that done as soon as I can. I have a few things of ours to post but I want to get Larry's stuff finished up first. I have several more craft projects to work on, thanks to our shopping trips this week, and I might get started on a few of those in the next day or so. We aren't doing anything big for the 4th. We usually buy fireworks but I think we're going to skip that this year.

Bill's going to attempt to finish up his gas-saving project with his van today. Stay tuned for another Bill's Adventure update! :)

OK, time to wake up the beagle and then I think I'm going to go make more coffee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wish it could have been a longer visit. My kids didn't really want me back yet, but they needed me back.
Had a great time. Froggy