Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Tired Tuesday

But the bathroom re-do is finished! Or at least I got new towels and a bathmat today. I haven't put up new switchplate covers, but I do have plain wooden ones to paint. It's just been kind of on the hot side in the garage, where my workshop is. Usually when it's hot out there, I can open the front and side doors and it cools down nicely. But there hasn't been much of a breeze lately, and since the mold count is starting to make my asthma think about showing up I decided to wait on spending much time in the garage. Of course, I could just bring in the paints & stuff! But that would be logical. Which doesn't seem to be my strong suit this week.

Anyway, back to the bathroom decor! I found a solid tan bathmat, which is slightly darker than the carpet and looks nice. It also looks like it was made better than the last one, and it's a little smaller. The previous one just barely fit in the tiled area between the shower and the carpet. The towels are a dark cream color with tan accents at the bottom. I'm thinking that I'm going to paint the switchplate covers in something close to the tan on the towels. IF I have paint in that color. Of course, if I don't have the right color paint then I get to go to Michael's! I got the towels and bathmat at Target this afternoon. But I can probably force myself to go to Michael's. :)

It was a very busy day at work today. It's going to be that way for a few days, which is normal for this time period. From about the 10th to the 15th, give or take a few days, is the busiest time. Then it goes back to being super slow. But even when it's the busiest, it's not usually extremely busy. There is just some extra stuff going on right now that I have to deal with, nothing major. Just extra. Could be worse, at least I have a job that has good part-time hours and really better than average pay for part-time.

I met Bill for lunch today. We were so bad. We had Mexican food. Big surprise, right?! It was good. It was very good in fact. And very bad for me. So for dinner I had a little low-fat pimento cheese on fat-free crackers. And water. If I get hungry for a snack tonight, it's going to be a fat-free rice cake and possibly with fat-free butter substitute on it. It's hard to be on a low-fat diet sometimes!

I've noticed that since I don't have a gall bladder anymore, there are things that I simply can not eat that never bothered me before. I'm not talking about foods with a high fat count. I'm talking about broccoli. And mushrooms. Stuff like that, which shouldn't be a problem at all! But I simply can not digest them now and it's not fun. So I guess I have to give them up. I think that I also am going to have to avoid things with cabbage. I don't eat much of it, but I do like it occasionally. It's not that the things are prepared with a sauce or fat in any way. I can't even eat steamed broccoli! Really frustrating. But I guess I have to deal with it. Now, if I ever get where I can't eat chocolate it is going to be a VERY BAD THING!

Heard from Otter this afternoon. She's having a good time, she has seen some of her cousins and has been swimming. And shopping. She sounded tired but I think she's enjoying her vacation. I told her to call us again in a few days, and that I'll see her next week.

Her return flight is direct. Which means that the plane stops in Dallas, but she doesn't get off for a plane change. She'll stay on the same plane, then it will continue on to Tulsa. I wonder if there really is any such thing as a real direct flight anymore? You know, the kind that doesn't stop in the middle. Besides overseas flights, that is. I think a little truth-in-advertising might be called for by the airlines. Just one of the things that's crossed my mind in the last couple of days!

No more turtle sightings in the back yard. Bill mowed it yesterday, he watched for her but never saw her. Or any of her friends, for that matter. I haven't seen any more tree frogs since Saturday evening but I have heard them. Also we've heard locusts. Just a few, it's just the beginning of their season. Because of all the rain we had, the lightning bug season was longer. Which we enjoyed. Maggie probably did as well - she could see the bugs she wanted to eat!

Otter, Maggie really misses you! She's very clingy, much more than normal. She does not want to let me out of her sight. And not just because she's hoping I'll drop food her way, either. Last night I glanced into Otter's room as I was heading to bed, and there was Maggie at the foot of Otter's bed. She had scrunched up her sleeping blanket until she was holding it between her front paws like she was hugging it. She looked so sad! This morning I noticed that she'd been sleeping on Otter's pillow. I think the dog misses her kid! She's going to be overjoyed next week when Otter comes home.
Froggy, has your hubby finished with his car project? Mine is still working on his. Actually, he is working on the Next Generation. The first one worked but not as well as he hoped, so he did what Engineers do: he changed all the specs and built another, totally different from the original plans. At the moment, he is next door as the neighbor is also building one of those critters. The neighbor is a good mechanic, but he doesn't have any experience with electronics and Bill has been helping him with that part of the process. They remind me of a couple of little boys, they seem to be having a good time with their toys. No explosions yet. Heavy on the "yet." I did tell Bill today that he's already had his one allowed ER visit this month and that since he's going to the doctor tomorrow to follow up on that, he's not allowed to hurt himself again this soon. He said I was a spoilsport.
On that note, I'm going to go raid my chocolate stash. It's in the freezer. But it won't be there long!


Anonymous said...

We are on the second generation also. The first one worked but not well. I told them no explosions are allowed.
This weekend I plan to keep him busy trimming the tree in the front yard, and no time to work on the project. We are still hoping to see your kid on Sunday. I need to check and see if that works . No word from brudder yet.

Anonymous said...

>>Now, if I ever get where I can't eat chocolate it is going to be a VERY BAD THING!<<

You might need to consider a transplant to deal with that possible tragic situation. HA! --Mary

Otter Mom said...

MAM, if I ever get where I really can't eat chocolate it will be the end of the world!

(For any family reading this, No I did not comment on my own blog! MAM is someone who I share initials with, from another site I'm frequently on. We have names in common.)