Thursday, July 03, 2008

Thursday's Promised Second Post

I spoke too soon. I should have known that this would happen, it always does. Yesterday, we were discussing whose turn it was for the next medical malady. I said that it was nobody's turn. Every time I say that, somebody ALWAYS gets sick.

But let me back up a bit! I don't want to get ahead of myself too much, after all.

We had a nice morning, we sat and talked. Then we left to take Froggy to the airport. On the way, we stopped at the post office so I could mail the third box of Froggy's stuff and then we went to Braum's for lunch. It was very good, but we were still way early. So we stopped at the library so Otter could restock. Then we went on to the airport, we got there about 1:00 which was about an hour earlier than Froggy figured she needed to be there. We dropped her off, then Otter and I drove by the rent house since we were close to it. (It looks fine).

We went to Lowe's for Bill, then to Wallyworld for groceries. We got home about 3:15 or thereabouts. And that's when Bill told me that he was sick, he thought he might have another bladder infection. This one seemed to be pretty serious - there was blood involved, and lots of it. So I called the doctor. At 3:30 on the day before a holiday, I knew that they would not have any openings. But since it was so serious, she told me to take him to the ER right away. So that's what we did. The doctor was afraid that maybe he had a kidney stone. But the tests at the hospital revealed that he in fact has a urinary tract infection, and he is now on antibiotics. He's not a happy camper! We stopped to get his prescription filled on the way home, then he had dinner and a pill. Now he's gone to bed. He has a slight fever, which is not unexpected.

So, the next time somebody asks me about who is next in line for something medical I'm not even going to answer! I'm just not.

On another note: it rained this morning and we had some thunder. Not a lot of rain, but it was nice and the plants liked it. Tonight, we've had thunder off & on but no rain.

And Froggy got to relive part of her childhood. The important memories. The ones involving me and a turtle. I moved some of my plants out into the rain, when I was moving them back I found a turtle on the edge of the deck. She was just sitting there, and I picked her up then called Otter. I also yelled out that I'd found a turtle, and what does Froggy do? She comes to see it! We took it around to the place we let them go at, on the way to take Froggy. I put it in a large brown paper sack so that Froggy wouldn't have to listen to the sound of turtle claws on the bottom of a cardboard box - which apparently bothers her, due to more than one trip home from Oklahoma with boxes in the floorboard of the car. The boxes contained turtles for me. However, we then discovered that a paper sack is worse than a cardboard box! Otter released the turtle into the cow pasture, so Froggy only was subjected to it for a few minutes. However, it must be noted that this time I was not chasing her!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you planted the turtle. It was a little to convenient for it to just appear at the time we are leaving. Of course I came to see it. Turtles make the same noise in a paper sack that they do in a cardboard box.
Thank you for not chasing me with it.