Monday, October 13, 2008

And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Blog Entry!

It's Monday. Again. Have I mentioned before that I don't really care for Mondays? Well, I don't like Mondays. But this one was ok, it was a busy day at work but it was also a fast day. However, no bank and no post office so two of my errands for today have been rescheduled for tomorrow.

Otter has finally decided what she's going to be for the not Halloween but still a costume party: she's going to be a pirate. I know, big surprise, right?! (Not). She is going to wear the black lace-up sleeved jacket that we got her yesterday, she bought a pirate-y hat at Wallyworld today and we bought some brown velour-type fabric that we're going to make pants out of. We're going to use her loosest pair of pj bottoms as a template for the pattern, she doesn't want the pants to be long so I'm guessing mid-calf length. She's still working out the details of the shirt she'll wear, but it might involve temporarily sewing lace or ruffle onto one of her white cotton blouses. She is not going to be one of those pirates who have a parrot on the shoulder! (Sorry, Toadly). She is also not going to wear an eye patch. Otter says that she's not the exact pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean but that she is inspired by that character. That character, Captain Jack, is somewhat drinky and that part she is definitely skipping! Captain Jack ties things to his clothing, things like jewels and stuff he doesn't want to loose. Otter is thinking about attaching ribbons, either to the jacket or to her hair, and tieing small things to them. She's having fun with this one, I think! So far, she's spent about $12.00. The hat was $6.50 and the fabric was Walmart clearance, $2.00/yard and I think we got about 2 1/2 yards - I just bought what was left on the bolt. The pants will probably become pj pants later on, the jacket is one that she'll be wearing as a blazer and the hat is probably the only thing that is just for fun.

We attempted karate tonight. It was not good. She didn't even make it through half of the class time before she had to come get her inhaler. They weren't even doing anything strenuous. She was in real distress, I've never seen her with blue lips before and her entire face was grey. I was really concerned about her, she used her inhaler several times and then we left. But I seriously considered stopping at the ER, she was having so much trouble. She's been parked on the couch ever since we got home about 2 hours ago. She is much better, her color is back to normal, but she's still wheezy. It might be a "living room slumber party" for us tonight. We haven't had to do that in years, but tonight might well be one.

When Otter was smaller and having pretty regular asthma problems, her asthma was really severe. When she was having really bad spells, she and I would sleep in the living room so I could hear her if she needed me or needed a treatment in the night. Which did happen on occasion. In order to keep her from being scared, we started calling those times "living room slumber parties" and it worked to keep her calm. She is watching tv with her dad right now, and I'll see how she is in about 45 minutes. Then I'll decide where we are sleeping tonight.
Oh and blue lips means that she was not getting anywhere near enough oxygen. That is a very BAD sign. Fingernail beds are another good place to check, if they are pink then things are good. But since hers have purple polish on, I couldn't really tell very well! The nail polish has chipped off slightly, Otter said she could tell on one fingernail that her nail beds weren't the right color, either.

I think we are at the point where we have no choice, we have to make a decision regarding her continuing with karate. Bill and I have not had a chance to talk, other than me updating him on tonight's class. But I don't think we can put if off much longer, it is pretty obvious that it is counter-productive for her to continue. Honestly, I think we probably should have already pulled her out of it.

When we got in, Otter went straight to the couch and both dogs were immediately right there beside her. Maggie almost got up on the couch, she was trying to get as close to Otter as she could. It was not like she was just jumping up onto the couch, it was pretty obvious that she was trying to snuggle her Otter. Frasier was nearly as clingy. These two dogs are very sensitive, much more than just about any dog we've ever had (aside from the second Tagalong.)
There was more, but this is long enough for one night.

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