Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some Thursday Thoughts

I'm cold. I want to turn on the heater. But I'm not getting anywhere with that. I'll make another request in a little while. I'm not going to be patient on this one, it's cold!

Bill's dad brought something to my attention. Bill used a power tool (his table saw) when he made his shelf and he DIDN'T HAVE TO GO TO THE HOSPITAL! That in itself is a scary thought. Because if he didn't hurt himself, what ripple effect will that have? A rip in the fabric of space? Armageddon? :)

Neighbor/Dog update: I looked out the kitchen window this morning, shortly before I was to leave for work. I noticed that the milk can had fallen over so I went out there to stand it back up again. And discovered two more holes in the fence courtesy of the dogs next door. I found something big and heavy to block it with, then I propped the cinderblock against it, along with two bricks and the milk can. Then I called Bill to let him know. When he got home, we went out to check on it and one of the holes is bigger than it was this morning. Fortunately, it was covered up by the block I put out there. Bill put the block back, then he stood up on the cinderblock so he could see into the yard next door. The neighbor's daughter (?) was out there, he got her attention (he had to call her more than once, and I'm pretty sure she heard him every time) and he told her that their dogs were tearing the fence up. She said she'd tell "her" which I am assuming means her mother, or whomever the adult female is.

Yeah, I know - that's a whine and it's not Wednesday. But it's my blog and I can whine/rant when I want to!

I wish that they would move. Soon.

It's pretty windy, which isn't helping the temperature. I decided it was time to start feeding the birds, so Otter and I put up all 5 of my seed feeders. I actually have 6, but one of them is the one Otter made me and I think I need to hit it again with sealer before I put it out in the elements. I might get a couple more feeders, I got rid of my big & bulky ones and replaced them with smaller ones and I still have a couple of places where I can hang a few more. I also need to get some more suet feed cakes, I have one left from last year. But it has a nice, big hole in it courtesy of a rodent that found it in the garage! When I first noticed the hole, it was about the size of a quarter. I forgot all about it, until I rediscovered it this afternoon. The hole is now the size of 2 or 3 quarters and much deeper, so I think the mousy is still out there! Or maybe it's more than one. I really need to get some mouse traps out there, but sometimes I wonder what the point is - kill one and two take it's place! :) But I want to get the suet feeders up soon, they always have 2 visitors that I absolutely love to watch. One is a bluejay. The other one is a red-headed woodpecker! We're kind of partial to redheads, for some unknown reason. Can't imagine why!
OH JOY! The heater is on! Stinks while the dust burns off, but I like that smell - it means that I'm going to get warm soon.


Anonymous said...

It's not whine Wednesday. You whined about the fence and the heater. Get your dates straight.
I started feeding the birds last weekend. I am going to get a few more feeders and put a couple in the back yard. I have to put them high up or a dog I know will chew them.
My neighbors behind us now have a dog. It is a very well behaved dog and likes to share its toys. It gets them through the fence into my yard. My dog does not know how to share. She takes the toys and being a puppy she chews them. I now owe the good dog at least 2 dogs. The owner said don't bother but I am going to replace them.anyway. Good luck with the mice.
We are fighting rats because another neighbor has a huge brush pile and refuses to get rid of it. There are now rats in it and who knows what else. I have seen cats hunting in the pile. May they catch all the problems, but not the birds.

Otter Mom said...

Froggy, did you miss the part about it being my blog and I can do what I want when I want? :) GET YOUR OWN. You really should.