Sunday, October 26, 2008

Some Senseless Sunday Stuff!

Ok, to start with: my feet are killing me! Otter and I had a Mother/Daughter afternoon. In other words, we shopped. A lot. And found very little. She found one long-sleeved blouse that she is going to use by cutting the sleeves off and making arm warmers out of. It was $2.25 or thereabouts at Goodwill. I tried on several coats at several stores, nearly bought one but decided not to and I also tried on a few skirts but didn't have any luck there, either. No Fenton, either! The Goodwill where I found my $3.00 Fenton basket did have some Fenton collector plates in carnival (color) but they have apparently gotten smart because they had it locked up with the good stuff - and priced appropriately. Which was more than I was willing to pay today.

Froggy, remember Atwood's? The farm & ranch store. They had a costume contest for pets today. We went, but there was only one doggie so we didn't stay. We didn't take our dogs, it was in the middle of our shopping trip. If they have it again next year, we will probably take ours although Maggie will probably be the only one dressed up. I don't think that Frasier would be still for it, he doesn't like things being put over or on him. Unless it's the leash! There might have been other people that brought their animals after we left, we left right at about the time it was supposed to start. But we enjoyed seeing the one that we did. She was obviously a beagle mix and she was being dressed up as a mummy - with elastic bandages! She also had a tiny skirt that just barely covered her tail. And she was a sweetie! While we were there I bought a huge bag of peanuts for Bill. Which should last for several days, but he's already been in it and I think it will be gone by about Wednesday.

We went to WalMart, Otter bought boot covers for her costume for Saturday's party. And we bought the last 4 bags of Mother's Iced Animal cookies that they had. I'll probably hit another Wallyworld tomorrow and see if I can find a few more bags. Otter tried on a pair of boots while we were there, they had a size smaller and a size larger than her size. So I'll also look for those at another Wallyworld in the next day or so. She needs a pair of practical boots for winter, in other words not platforms! These are shorter boots and very stylish, but they also have a good sole and small heel. We do get ice in the winter, after all.

My feet are hurting from all the walking that we did. Mostly, my left heel which has been hurting since last December. Plantar Fasciatis is not fun. It's much better, but it still bothers me some. Especially when I've been shopping for hours and hours.

Bill didn't talk to the neighbor. He was going to, but he never saw her today and he finally just went to Lowe's and bought three new fence boards. Then he replaced the broken ones. At this rate, we will probably wind up with a new fence and this time, it will belong to US.

He also got the rain gutter downspout angled so that we can put the rain barrel under it. Which will be happening this week, if all goes according to plan. Which doesn't always happen when you have an Engineer in the house! I put a coat of paint on the stand today, Bill's going to get the barrel cleaned out this week and get it installed. Then we'll probably wind up with no rain for weeks! :)

Yes, Froggy. I realize that we can not change our minds. We've booked the doggies vacation and we are going on ours come December and Christmas week. (Not bad grammar - Texasspeak!)

The Longhorns beat OSU yesterday. It was a close game, but we still won. So what did today's headline in the paper say? OSU almost beat Texas. Almost counts for exactly nothing! :)

Ok, I've rambled enough for one evening.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Hey there! I hope your feet are feeling better! : )
I've started a new blog and hope you will be stopping by from time to time to say hello! Take care!