Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nice Tuesday Evening

Actually, it's been a nice day all day. It was just a tad bit on the cold side this morning, however. We did get a freeze last night. It was about 29 degrees when we got up. The cars were frosted. Which would not have been a problem, except that the fan/blower on my car is acting up. Except when Bill checks it, then it always runs fine! He replaced the blower motor a couple of weeks ago and that did help. But the problem is still there. He just hasn't found it yet. It's kind of frustrating!

Anyway, I was discussing the weather and my train of thought had a derailment. Happens sometimes! I usually just roll with it. Why does that sound like something that Toadly would say? :)

It was a nice day, it warmed up to the mid-50's and it was a wonderful fall day. Otter and I took the dogs for a walk, it was a short walk since it was cool and we forgot our jackets. I really like fall, the trees are starting to turn and they are very pretty.

We cut out her pirate pants this morning, we started sewing them tonight. We'll finish them tomorrow after we get home, I took over the table to sew and didn't want to drag it all back to the table after cleaning it all for dinner. But it won't take us too long. I'm actually doing most of the sewing, Otter is watching what I do and I am explaining as I go along. She will probably make a pair of pj bottoms with this same pattern, after she's seen the pirate pants being sewn. I haven't done any sewing to speak of in years, and I'm really enjoying it. Otter has two patterns, one is a sun dress and one is for an oriental style blouse. She's had the patterns for a while, but the blouse pattern is still too big and the sun dress has multiple size patterns. But sometime before spring/summer, we'll get the dress made. The pj/pirate pants are a refresher course for me and a lesson for her. After we are finished with the pirate pants, I think I'll take her to buy enough fabric to make a couple of pairs.

While I was getting my sewing machine, I took everything off of the two shelves it's all stored on and piled it all in the living room. I'm going to go through it again, I'm sure that there are things I can get rid of. I went through it a few months back and took a boatload to Goodwill. What I really need to do is get serious about my quilt, a lot of what I had on the shelves is fabric/old clothing that I want to turn into quilt squares. It's just a matter of getting motivated, but I'm thinking that I might be leaning in that direction.
So far so good as far as the Halloween candy is concerned! We put all the chocolate we bought for ourselves in the freezer, and most of it is still there. For now, anyway.
Bill put the last finishing touches on the rain barrel assembly, he installed a filter in the drain pipe that will fill the barrel. Now I just have to finish painting the frame, but Otter's sewing lesson has a deadline that the rain barrel doesn't, so it is higher on my priority list. I'll get the painting finished up soon, possibly this weekend because it should be a little warmer. The frame is in the garage and it gets kind of cold out there! But I think we can get the rain barrel installed by/on Sunday.
My Sunday plans also include a lot of yard work, moving iris bulbs and so forth. But I don't think it will take long to get the rain barrel hooked up.
Jan, I'm so glad that you are back to blogging! I've missed reading your blog.
Froggy, I still think you need a blog. They are not hard! They are very user-friendly, actually. As long as you can remember your password! (Hint: write it down somewhere!).
I will be posting my book list in the next few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

derailment and train of thought also reminds me of mom. I don't know if she ever said that or not. She used to say that she knew where her marbles were. They were on S. Presa.
I am going to work on my flowers this weekend. I need to look at which ones to move and where to put them.
Speaking of Dancing With The Stars- I think Cloris Leachman is a very brave woman. She gets out there and does her best and acts funny at the same time.She was funny tonight in the group dance.
No blog for Froggy. I have enough problems keeping up with everybody else. Maybe you should get Toadles started on one.