Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday & September's Book List

Wonderful Wednesday stuff first:

Answered Prayers. Virginia and David have been granted FULL CUSTODY of their three grandchildren! Their father has to pay child support. Texas does not give the non-custodial fathers a chance to default - it will automatically be garnished out of his pay. It takes about 30 days for it to take effect, so he is supposed to bring them two half payments in October when he gets paid. He says he will. No money equals jail time. He has two hour visitation once a week. Virginia and David set that, it will be at their apartment and they will be present. He has to be on time, if he's late then he will miss that much of his time. They made sure that he's aware of that. Virginia said that she had a chance afterwards to talk to him, she told him that they weren't just trying to take his kids away from him but that their only motive was the welfare of the children. He said he understood that. Then he told her that he was glad they'd gone this route, because now he will have to hold down a job. So everyone is hopeful, but nobody is holding their breath on this. He will probably come to the first couple of visitations, but then after that he could well revert to past behaviour and start missing his time. Also, random drug tests are part of the decree and he agreed.

Ok, on to the books I read last month:

1) Recreative by Steve Dodds. My friend Sharra (Monkeybox) would love this one! It would be right up her alley, she is what she calls a Junkreator and this book could have been written for her. Lots of wonderful ideas.

2) Circle of Friends by Maeve Binchy.

3) Nights of Rain and Stars by Maeve Binchy.

4) The Michael's Book of Papercrafts. It was more to do with scrabbooking than crafting.

5) Evening Class by Maeve Binchy. (I read her books a lot!)

6) Daughter of the Saints, Growing Up in Polygamy by Dorothy Allread Soloman. This was very interesting. Sad way of life. She left the life and the cult because she did not want to be a plural wife and it cost her most of her family ties.

7) Practically Perfect in Every Way by Jennifer Niesslein. I tried to read this, but it was boring and not very well written so I gave up several pages in.

8) When Men Become Gods by Stephen Singular. About Warren Jeffs and the cult known as the FLDS. They are a cult, no doubt about it. And so is the Mormon church which is an off-shoot of the FLDS although they don't like to admit that fact. This book is about some of the women who fought back against Jeffs. They fought back against sexual abuse of their children and Jeffs is jailed. But he's still in control of the group, which is the same group in El Dorado, Texas where the authorities raided a few months ago and took the children. Then had to give them back, back into the same horrible situation!

9) Oklahoma Curiosities by P. J. Lassek. Did you know that there is a Blue Whale in Oklahoma? It's not too far from Tulsa, it's a known landmark and really cool. This book had a lot of interesting information about the state we live in. Notice I don't say home, because Home will always be Texas. We just don't live there anymore. (Yeah, Froggy - I can hear Dad now!)

10) Halloween Crafts.

11) Halloween Crafts. 10 and 11 are two different books, I forget the actual names. But they had lots of fun craft ideas.

12) Assorted Foxtrot by Bill Amend. Foxtrot is a cartoon strip, I'm not sure if it's still being drawn or not but the book was funny.

13) Shoot the Moon by Billie Letts. She's a local Oklahoma author and I usually enjoy her books. I've read this one before.

14) It's Not Easy Being Green. Officially by Jim Henson, but it was actually put together by his daughter after his death. It has lots of quotes, both by him and people who worked with him.

15) Kiss Me Like a Stranger by Gene Wilder. This one was pretty good. Not the best written book I've ever read, but I enjoyed it. I read the book that Gilda Radner wrote, it was published shortly after her death and it covered a lot of the same stuff in this book. She was married to Gene Wilder.

16) Motherhood & Hollywood by Patricia Heaton. Hard to read, it was ok but she's not a professional writer!

17) My First 5 Husbands by Rue McClanahan. She was a Golden Girl. She is a fun actress. She is not what I would consider a good role model!

18) Hello Darlin' by Larry Hagman. Hagman makes JR Ewing look like a saint!

19) London Transports by Maeve Binchy.

20) The Politcally Incorrect Wife by Nancy Cobb and Connie Grigsby. This one was pretty good, it deals with what the role of a wife is from a Biblical perspective. It pretty well describes me already but I still enjoyed it. I learned a few things from it.

Once I started typing this list, I realized that I had completely forgotten a couple of the books on the list!

Tonight is karate. We're going to try it and see how it goes. Otter had asthma problems yesterday after doing her own version of a work out and she wasn't working nearly as hard as they do at karate class. I don't have high hopes. But we'll try it and see what happens.

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