Sunday, October 05, 2008

A Few Things From Sunday

First, a couple of furry things. Maggie was on her way to Otter. She was hurrying as fast as those short legs would let her. She is really devoted to her person.

Fraiser was standing at the corner of the deck, he was watching something but I never could see what was holding his interest. Although he's had quite a few barking at squirel sessions lately, so he might have been hoping to see another one on top of the neighbor's garage like yesterday. He was looking in that general direction.

Froggy, here's your finished tree! This is the one I bought for you before you came to see me. It was originally a kind of cream color and was sealed with an opalescent color, then it had gold colored beads draped around it and was kind of ugly! It's now the appropriate color and sealed with a clear glaze.

FutureJediMom wanted to see what the Farm Scene looked like. This is it! It's back on the side of the shed, we painted this side this morning and it turned out great. But it looked empty without the farm scene. The farm scene is pretty heavy, it's ceramic and is probably about 3 feet long or maybe slightly longer. I am not sure exactly when we painted it for Dad, I think it was after we moved (1978) but I don't really remember for sure? Froggy or Toadly, any ideas? Toadly, you weren't even there - you were off somewhere with the Navy but you might remember. I did quite a bit of touch-up painting to it when we brought it home with us and periodically it gets checked for chips, etc.

Otter had a really good driving session today, she drove us over to her grandparents. She did great.
After visiting her grandparents, we went to the pumpkin patch. We try to visit it each fall, it's not really a pumpkin patch. It's more like a petting zoo where they also sell pumpkins. They have Indian corn, assorted gourds, piles of pumpkins, a hay maze that is totally enclosed and in the dark, various animals, pony rides, they had camel rides today, and a snack bar. We didn't eat anything at the snack bar, but I did buy a half pound of fudge for Bill. We fed the animals, the goats were their usual silly selves. The fun part was watching the chickens and turkeys, they reminded me of a feeding frenzy of sharks. There was also a squabble between one big tom turkey and one small chicken. I'm not sure who actually won, neither of them seemed to be hurt but the chicken left the dust-up with a turkey feather in it's beak! They also had cavies, which are basically big rodents. Like bigger than the beagle. The almost look like large, small-eared rabbits.
The rest of the day has been filled with laundry and cleaning house. Otter and Bill are currently watching the movie that Otter rented and we watched yesterday. She wanted to see it again and Bill decided to watch it with her. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, the one from a year or so ago that stars Johnny Depp. I still don't like him, but he is very good in the role. It was actually a better movie than I was expecting, I had heard that it wasn't very good but it was. The story is slightly different than the version from several years ago with Gene Wilder.
It's very windy today, we could get rain the next couple of days. Maybe, they never really know. Sometimes they do manage to guess right, so we wanted to get the shed finished up today. Bill finished up at the rent house on Friday, so we didn't have to go back there today and could concentrate on the shed.
While he was at the rent house on Friday, the tenant asked him why we were painting the garage now. Apparently, they thought that we might be going to kick them out! Bill explained to them that we were going to paint it before they moved in last year but that his injury kept us from getting it done then. Then it was too hot, then winter, then rainy spring, then hot summer again and since the weather is nice now we figured we'd better get it done while we could. They are good tenants, they pay their rent on time and they take good care of the place. He told them that as long as they pay rent, they can stay as long as they want and if they are ever interested in buying the place to just let us know. We hope that they stay for a long time, it looks like they will. They have a young child and two dogs and they seem like nice people.
I'm getting hungry now, so I guess it's time to head for the kitchen and make an early dinner. We never had lunch today. It's not quite 4:00 and I'm starved! Broiled pork chops, rice, brown gravy and whichever canned vegetable I grab is today's menu. With any luck, I'll have leftovers for tomorrow. But I kind of doubt it. Otter and Bill both love pork chops!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The tree looks great. Now you have to bring it with you this Christmas.
I am not sure when we painted the farm scene, but I am sure that the place we painted it was on Blanco Road, so that must have been before we moved. But where did Dad put it if we gave it to him before we moved?