Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday's Better Than Wednesday

No more migraine! I did not sleep well, I get cold very easily and when I have migraines that seems to be worse. So I was cold all night, but then I generally am freezing from about September 1 until about May! Comes from growing up in S. Texas, where we almost never had actual winter. But since my migraine fairies were visiting me last night, I was colder. I still had a bit of a headache when I got up this morning, Bill would have let me sleep in but I got up anyway. But it went away sometime mid-morning. Of course, I had three cups of coffee after I got to work and that might have had something to do with it! But it's gone, so I'm not going to complain. Much anyway. I heard on the news tonight that we could get our first freeze in about 2 weeks. Joy! (Heavy sarcasm).

I keep forgetting to mention this. But guess what kind of car Otter likes? The one she'd like to be her first car:

Although I don't think she wants it to be orange, although Burnt Orange (Texas Longhorns color) might be acceptable. Probably purple! Toadles, wasn't the one you had blue? Froggy, don't even suggest marroon. It's too close to OU colors, and we don't even want to go there!

FutureJediMom, where you around then? I can't remember.

Blogger is behaving strangely tonight, so who knows what this will actually look like when I post it.

Froggy, you need a blog! I'm going to keep after you until you get one. But this program seems to be a whole lot easier than the one that the FutureJediMom uses.

Politics: We watched part of the debate last night. I really think that the debates are useless, most people have made up their minds by now and I'm not sure if the debates ever sway anyone to either side even if they are still undecided. But we noticed something. Obama is suddenly grey. Like maybe he's either a) coloring it to look more distinguished or b) not coloring it and letting any natural grey he has show through to look more distinguished. However, the amount of grey that suddenly showed up on his head makes me think that a) is the most likely scenario.

Tomorrow is Friday! Happy Happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad your migraine is gone. I have never noticed if I get cold or hot with a migraine. I have requested that book about migraines that you were talking about.
I have enough trouble getting into the other one.

Burnt orange is not acceptable for anything. Purple is a good choice.I think Toadles was blue.