Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Our dogs are hopeless. They are really dense today. Otter has been home all day, she's had an asthma spell that started last night so she stayed home from school today. Because it's asthma related, I've been home with her. The dogs should be well aware of that fact, since they've spent a lot of time visiting her for affection. But for some reason, they both apparently forgot. Because at 3:20ish when the bus went by, they both got very bouncy. Otter talked to them a couple of times, but they kept getting bouncier and bouncier. About 20 minutes later, I headed into the living room and they just about went nuts. They went to the front door and stood where they normally do when they greet Otter! And they stayed there. I finally had Otter walk to the front door, open it, close it and then greet them - that is what it took for them to calm down! Are they silly, or what?

Since I've been home today, I am now caught up on all my laundry. There wasn't much, just two loads. But it's all done and put away AND I've also ironed all of Bill's shirts he wears to work so I don't have to do that particular chore for about a week and a half. I also cleaned the kitchen, counters - sink - floor - scrubbed the stove type of cleaning. I also went through my sewing stuff, I really only found a couple of things to put in my donate pile. Mostly, I just needed to reorganize it a little bit and now it all fits on the two shelves with room to spare. I did get out into the garage this afternoon and did a little organizing. Otter's work area was getting cluttered again, which was certainly not unexpected with Wild Bill on the loose, and I fixed that problem. For now, anyway.

Otter spent most of her day on the couch with her inhaler and a blanket. She's much better now, she had a long hot shower and the steam helped quite a bit. She should be able to go back to school tomorrow. Which means that Maggie & Frasier will get to greet her for real tomorrow! And I'm sure that they'll be just as excited as they were today. :)
We have a little bit of stuff to post on eBay. I did manage to get one lot of Otter's books listed, but I think we are going to get more posted tonight. Shirts mostly, although I think it's probably time to get the gloves listed that we got in June at the Army Surplus place's going out of business auction.
We also need to get back on the pirate pants. It shouldn't take too long to get them finished. I'll probably do that after supper. Then the fashionably dressed Pirate will be ready for the costume party on Saturday.
I probably should also think about painting the frame for the rain barrel. I thought it would be a little warmer this afternoon than it actually is, so I might still wait until this weekend when it is supposed to be in the 70's.
Simplifying Update: Reducing the amount of paper products we use. We don't use paper plates all that often, although I do have them for times when we don't have any electricity such as last December's ice storm. However, I realized how we seemed to go through a great deal of paper towels. So I tried something. I started leaving a kitchen towel out on the counter and strongly suggested that we use it to dry our hands off on. It can be used several times before it needs to be washed, and it doesn't add to my laundry load because they are so small. It took a little time to get used to the idea, but we only went through two rolls of paper towels in the last month. As opposed to about 12 rolls in a month before the switch.
I also have a couple of reusable "fabric" bags to use at the grocery store instead of the plastic bags, but so far I have only used them once. The clerk at WalMart simply could not understand that I did not want plastic bags, even though I told her, then she finally figured out that I wanted to use my bags - however, she kept trying to put the stuff in plastic bags and then into the reusables. I gave up on WalMart, but I will use them at other places if I can. One of the local grocery stores uses paper sacks, and they are recylcable. I reuse those quite a bit. I also have two of them that are full of WalMart's plastic bags - WalMart has boxes set up that you can put the used plastic bags in, then they get recycled. I'm going to take my two full paper sacks with me the next time and empty them into their bin. But I'm going to wait a while before I try using my reusable bags at Wallyworld again! They do sell the bags, right at the registers. But I have never seen anyone actually using them there. At least the other grocery store that has the paper sacks does seem to know what to do with the reusables, I've seem people use them there.
Blogger is acting strange again, it's not separating paragraphs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recycle my plastic bags at HEB. They have bins to put them in. I also use them as garbage bags.They only hold a very small amount of garbage, which works very well with Lucky. It means we have to take them out to the trash often so she doesn't get into them. I also use an empty plastic biscotti container as a trash can.
The only way we use paper plates is to feed one dog and the cats on. For some reason if we feed them in the cans they carry them and spill the food. They don't carry the paper plates. If I use plastic Lucky will chew it up.