Monday, October 27, 2008

Ready for Halloween!

We just bought our candy for Friday. I spent $46.01 on candy to hand out. And $10.79 on candy for us to eat. However, the usual pattern is that Bill eats a lot of what we buy to pass out to trick or treaters and I wind up making a last minute run to Wallyworld for more!

I've already gotten into mine. I have my own bag of mini Milky Way candy bars and I might share with Bill, if he's a very good boy. But since that never happens...

I pinned the pattern pieces on the fabric this morning for Otter's pirate pants and I might get it cut out tonight. Then tomorrow after school, she gets to sew them together.

I went to a thrift store at lunch today, in search of a coat. They didn't have what I wanted in my size so I went back to the Goodwill where I nearly bought one yesterday. The coat I nearly bought yesterday was gone, which wasn't a surprise. But I did find one there. It's suede, so I did get a leather coat, but it's a short style which I think is commonly called a car coat. I realized that every time I've had a long coat, I have spent a lot of time griping about it because they are not practical for driving. So I figured I'd better just buy the shorter length and not worry. This one is black, yesterday's was dark blue but it's pretty much the same coat. Although it is in slightly better shape, it was $20.00 as opposed to $16.00 yesterday. But I think it's a better coat and it's certainly going to be warm. I was also happy because it's considerably smaller in size than I used to wear.

We are probably going to get our first freeze tonight. It could be a hard freeze. We brought in the last two plants this afternoon. It's kind of crowded in front of the dining room window now!

Otter did the treatment on the tulip bed, it will probably get another treatment in a few days and then we'll get the bulbs planted within the next couple of weeks. A lot of it depends on the weather. I'm also going to pull the summer flowers out of the whiskey barrel and plant the rest of the bluebonnet seeds, probably Sunday. And then I'll see about moving iris bulbs.

I've been feeling overwhelmed lately. I think I now know the reason! :) Of course, a billion loads of laundry might have something to do with it.

Bill cleaned out the rain barrel this afternoon, as soon as I get the frame painting finished he'll be able to get it installed. That might also be Sunday.

I think I'm about to overwhelm my Sunday! Well, at least it will all be things I enjoy - working outside and doing stuff with my plants & yard. And probably laundry. There is always laundry.
In the meantime, I think I'll go get another mini milky way!

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