Saturday, February 07, 2009

After All These Years...

I'm nearly finished with my quilt! The one I started when Otter was in kindergarten. She's now in 10th grade, with 7th being two years due to the district/curiculum (sp?) change when we moved, so I think that means I started it 12 years ago. Anyway, I got it out this morning and discovered that I have more than enough squares cut to finish it and actually just need to sew a few more pieces together. Otter said she likes it, and she think she wants to get dark blue for the backing color. I worked on it for a while today, and I will get back to it in the next day or so. Possibly tomorrow, while Otter's friend is over and they work on a school project. But very soon.

I also need to hem Otter's dress for the prom. It needs about 5 inches taken up, and the prom is in two weeks so I'd better get busy! Actually, the dress will only take me a few minutes and I'll probably get it done tomorrow.

Froggy, don't worry about Frasier! He's very spoiled. He just does not have any interest in wearing anything, and he's usually the first one in the kitchen if there is even the slightest chance of food being aimed his way. All one of us has to do is walk in the general direction of the kitchen and he's there. Especially if he thinks somebody might be opening the refrigerator. Frasier's day today has consisted of most of his time being spent out on the deck, snoozing in the sun. Except for the one time I caught him digging, his entire head and most of his shoulders were underground so I'd say I have a landscaping chore tomorrow.

I did manage to get started on painting the trash can for the bathroom. I was toying with the idea of just painting it white, but I think it will need to have a little color to it. I don't think it's going to be anything bright. I'm just not quite sure what color it will be yet. We had some frames, so I was able to frame the 4th flower picture I got yesterday. It's now hanging where the clock was in the bathroom, we really do need the clock in there so I'm going to have to figure out where to put it. I'll come up with something, I'm not too concerned.
And Froggy, here is my final answer: The hummingbird Beanie Baby is NOT included in the hummingbirds I'm about to send you! But I do look for one for you whenever we are anyplace that might have them. Otter can get through a pile or box of beanie babies at a thrift store in record time!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I disagree strongly-the hummingbird is part of your collection and therefore should be shipped to me ASAP!!!!! Froggy