Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Some Slow Tuesday Thoughts

It's a slow Tuesday. Or I should say that I am slow today. Comes from hardly sleeping last night. I don't know what the problem was, but I woke up several times and a lot of it involved waking up with a stiff neck. I've been getting a crick in my neck on the right side a few times lately. I have tried changing my pillows around and sleeping in a different position. But it hasn't helped all that much. I am going to try something else tonight: I'm leaving my dentures in. At least the upper. I have a problem with my jaw that used to be known as TMJ Disorder but I think now has another name. It hasn't bothered me in years, I had a couple of years of treatment and it's pretty much gone away, except for the very occasional soreness or episode of jaw popping. But the way my neck is, and with the fact that nothing is working, I'm wondering if my jaw might be the cause of the problem or at least an aggravating factor. It's the jaw joint that is involved, but it also can affect the muscles surrounding the area and it seems like I did have neck problems when it was at it's worst. So I'll try leaving the upper in, because that way my jaw will be held in place better. It's worth a try anyway. I'll still brush the denture like normal when I get ready for bed and then since it won't be soaking in efferdent tonight, I'll brush it again in the morning when I get up. Hopefully, that will help. I'm really not supposed to sleep in them, but I have on accident a couple of times. I don't think that one or two nights will hurt.

We donated the tv, dvd player and stereo system to the Salvation Army, the equipment that used to be in our bedroom but we never used. I also took the prom dress to them at the same time. But I didn't shop there this time. Which is rare, I usually drop stuff off and then go park so I can go shop. Next time, probably. I am in desperate need of blouses, I've gotten rid of a few lately and one that I bought in the last few months got torn in the dryer somehow. I have several skirts, but I really need a few more blouses. Maybe Sunday Otter and I will go shopping!
Frasier has now taken to sleeping in the office most nights. Occasionally, he'll still sleep on his blanket in the living room but he seems to treat the blanket as his daytime spot. He also will move to the doorway of our bedroom, causing me to literally run into him this morning! He saw me coming, I could tell that he was watching me. I thought that surely he would move out of the way, I was not moving very fast so he had plenty of warning. But no, he just stayed parked there. And I walked right into him, at which time he looked very surprised and then got up and left. Silly boy! Somewhere in the same general time period, Maggie came into our room. I discovered this when I put my feet down on the floor and she licked one of my feet. It was a surprising experience, to say the least!
I have been thinking about Lent. Ash Wednesday is tomorrow. The Baptist church doesn't really do a lot with Lent observances, but we usually do. We used to belong to the Methodist church and they observe it. I have always thought that it should be observed. I haven't come to any decisions yet, but I am thinking about a few of them. One thing I'm thinking about is chocolate. As in giving it up for Lent. But I'm not sure yet. Traditionally, Sunday is a day off from Lent observances so you can have whatever it is that you gave up IF you want to. I'd like to give up housework...
I need a nap! Or at least an early bedtime tonight. Or both.


Anonymous said...

I vote for giving up housework. As a Baptist I don't give up anything, but housework or laundry sounds great.
If you think the problem is your jaw GO TO THE DENTIST OR DOCTOR!!!!!

Otter Mom said...

I think I'm sticking with chocolate. I suggested housework, but nobody was enthusiastic about that one. Can't imagine why! I'm Baptist also, Froggy. But we still observe Lent because it is not just one church group, it's a Christian observance.
I've already been through as much treatment as I can for my jaw. There are no other options beyond surgery, and the surgery has a bad record. It usually makes it worse and causes worse problems later on. I think my jaw is just aggravating the problem. It's a crick, it's getting better. And no, I will not go to a chiropractor!

Anonymous said...

I didn't even suggest a chiropractor. One of the main reasons skipper had to have braces was to keep him from having tmj in the future. Froggy