Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Mid-Week Ramblings

It's Wednesday. I could whine, but I'm not in a whining mood. Even though I had a migraine yesterday late in the afternoon, and that is my 3rd one in 5 weeks. Which is often enough that I need to start tracking them again, as well as food & any possible environmental triggers. But not enough yet to check with the doctor, although that is probably in the future. I still have a hint of the headache. But Otter and I took the dogs on a long walk this afternoon and it is breezy, so my allergies could also have something to do with the headache as it is now. Allergies and migraines are not related, but allergies can aggravate a headache of any origin.
Here are a few pictures of the bedroom, now that the redecorating is finished. Captions are underneath the picture they are describing.

The butler's cart that formerly graced my dining room window. It has two plants on it, the two peace lillies are on shorter stands. This is the bedroom window.
This is Otter, as she was about 1o years ago. Nana painted this, it's a local park that is filled with azaleas in the spring. And squirrels! Froggy, this is the park where we fed the squirrels last summer. We might go over there pretty soon, it's early for the azaleas but the squirrels are there year-round and always ready for a hand out. This picture is on the bedroom wall, where it's been since we moved in and I think it really goes with the room now since it's got all the floral colors in it.
When I took this picture, I was standing in the doorway from the hall to our room. On either side of the window are the bookcases we had to unload to move from where they used to be. They were very heavy! Then we got to move all the books back and reload the shelves. They had been sitting in one spot since we bought them 4 years ago. I could not believe the amount of dust that was behind them on the wall.

My bluebonnet wall pocket filled with silk bluebonnets. It's on the wall by the bookcase that is visible on the right side of the picture.

This is a very old butter churn base. It was Mom's, and possibly Aunt Jessie's before that. It is something I remember seeing for many years. When we lost Mom, I thought that it was to go to Froggy but after we lost Dad when we were cleaning out their house we found my initials on it so it came home with me. And I absolutely love it. It was in front of the fireplace, but I've relocated it. It is now on top of the chest of drawers that used to have the tv on it. The chest is over 6' tall and I had to get my step-stool to be able to reach enough to get the churn far enough from the edge so it won't fall off. (I'm not used to not being able to reach things). It's also full of silk bluebonnets. (Otter's already warned me that when she gets married, her boquet will have silk bluebonnets. I think I'd better hide mine!)

Our bed, with the camo quilt! The camo quilt will probably stay on the bed until Bill gets through with the new quilt he's making. I took this picture from the doorway to the bathroom. The bed and chest of drawers (it's in the next picture) are probably my favorite eBay purchase. A few months before we moved, we decided it was time to replace the water bed we'd had for years and years. I had no idea what type of bed I wanted, so Bill suggested I look on eBay to get some style ideas. He knew that I had always wanted a sleigh bed, so he suggested I start with that. And one of the first items that showed up was a sleigh bed with matching chest of drawers. And it was in our town. And it was at a store less than a mile from our house. So we ran over there immediately, and it was exactly what we wanted. So Bill made a deal with the seller, I forget the price but it was a very good deal. They are solid, real wood and not the cheap lightweight stuff you usually find. I can't remember the brand at the moment, but it is one of the better ones. The bed is king-sized, so it takes up the majority of the room. We had to literally take it apart, just to turn it a quarter turn and move it a few feet. Then Bill had to put it back together, which almost requires an Engineering degree - fortunately, he has one! The only problem is that the feet of the bed are not fun to walk your toes into, in the middle of the night!

My bulletin board is above the bed, at the moment it only has an Alamo post card. Also, on one side is my glass lamp. To the side of the lamp is a brass chest that Nana gave us a few years ago, it holds blankets. And it also has a humidifier sitting on top of it. The cover on the brass chest was crocheted by Bill's late grandmother. The floral pillow on the bed is also from her.

The chest of drawers, as well as the foot of the bed. To the side of the chest are two small pictures that Nana also painted, they are the flowers that I wanted to put in the bathroom. But I think they work much better in the bedroom.

And that concludes our tour! The tour of the kitchen & dining room redecorating will commence as soon as I've finished in there. I am going to get my antique gadgets attached to the walls this weekend. Then I'll see where I stand.

Froggy commented about Lent and I answered her in the comments section. But in a nutshell, Lent is not normally observed in much detail by the Baptist Church. However, it is something we do observe. We are Baptist, but we belonged to the Methodist church for many years and we always observed Lent. Lent is not strictly one particular church, it is a Christian tradition and we have decided to still observe it. I gave up chocolate, which is a hard one for me. Otter, supportive & thoughtful girl that she is, said she gives me 3 days tops. But since Sundays are not counted in the self-denial part of the observations, I can have it on Sunday. If I want to, sometimes I keep my self-denial on Sundays but I'm just going to see how I feel on Sunday. If I do have any chocolate on Sunday, it's not going to be much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think that the butter churn was originally Grandma's and then Jessie's and then Mom's and now your's and someday Otter's.
I didn't know that you wanted the churn and thought that I would get it. I wanted and got the blue vase.
Mom knew what we wanted and made sure that we got it. Whatever happened to Dad's roll top desk?
I can't remember.
Your bedroom looks great. You did a great job. Froggy