Friday, February 27, 2009

Please Tell Me It Really Is Friday!

Because it's been one of those weeks where I just want it to be over & done with. Not any one thing in particular, but it has just been very stressful this week. But I think it really is Friday, because I went to the grocery store today and I got paid today. So it must be Friday!

Frasier said that he's not interested in blogging today. He was too busy finding a good snoozing position, and making sure that his tail was behind me so I couldn't move without setting off the Frasier Alarm. No matter what position he was in, and he changed position a lot, his tail was always behind my chair. He finally got up, but he'll be back!

It got into the 80's yesterday, but we never had any weather to speak of. East and southeast of here had thunderstorms but I don't think that they had any bad stuff. It was in the 50's today, but the windy made it feel much colder. Tonight will be below freezing with a slight chance of light rain or snow, then tomorrow will be back to the low 40's. I brought in plenty of firewood, so we'll probably have a fire in the morning. Which means that both dogs will be snoozing in front of it!

I'm not too concerned with the cold as far as the tulips and daffys go, but I don't know if my tiny bluebonnet plant can handle it or not. It's not going to be icy or anything, the snow will be very light - if at all - but Otter's watering everything at the moment since that will help it a little bit. Seems like watering would make freezing worse, but it actually helps the plants to maintain a good temperature. The daffys that my mother-in-law planted when this was still her house are blooming. I think that they are probably about 6 year old plants now, she actually planted all of them including the ones in the tulip bed but they don't come up as early as the ones in the front yard.
Otter just came in from watering. She said that it's cold. Or maybe she said that she is cold!
OK, I'm off to unload the dishwasher now. Then I'm going to find my houseshoes and go park on the couch for a while.

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