Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sunday Shots

Quick Answer to Froggy: Come see me this summer and I'll let you visit with my beanie hummingbird.

Bill let me sleep in this morning, he had the alarm set for 5:00 because he was going to his dad's rent house and work on something. But then he decided to wait until about 8:00 or so, and he turned off the alarm. Last time he did this, he forgot to turn off the alarm. That was not a good thing! But he remembered this time. He still woke up early so the dogs got fed somewhere around their usual time which means that they are quiet now - and snoozing. Bill left a little while ago and Otter is still in bed. With a sleeping beagle! I have a load of laundry going and a few housecleaning chores to do, not too much but I want to get them done early. Then I'm going to get my quilt out. My plan is to finish the top this morning, then lay it out and measure so we know how much fabric to get for the back.

I am also going to get the trash can painted, or at least figure out what color I want to paint it. I probably have a color to use, I have quite a bit of paint. I have considered several different colors, I just haven't decided on one yet. But I think it could stand another coat of white, I put one coat on as a base coat but the raw wood sucked the paint up and I think I might hit it again before the color coat. I should be able to finish the paper box quickly also. Paper holds the base coat better than raw wood, so it probably won't need another base layer.

But first, I need more coffee! I got some chocolate flavored coffee from my secret sister at church for Christmas, I haven't used any of it yet and this seems like a good time to try it. Not that I need an excuse, chocolate and coffee - my two addictions! :)

I also have a box of hummingbirds to pack up and get ready to ship. Can't forget that one!
OK, time to go make the coffee now. I might update this later on or just have another post. Probably a second post, but you never know!

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