Monday, February 02, 2009

Maggie Monday!!


My mommm's mommm is busy in the cooking room, so I am going tooo play with herrr toyz. She plays with my toyz with me so I get to play with herrr toy now.

My mommm bought me a new bananandnanansddnaa, ammanddnannama, mannnaddadnnna, um a thinng to tie around my neckk. It's really purrty, mommm said it is pink. It's got circles on it, she says that they are polkahh dotts. She put it on meee and I wore it for a longg time. I even took my nap in itt. It's so purrty! I like to be a fashionable doggg, I want to loooook my best all the time. I like it when my mommm lets me wearr things, especially when they are purrty like my new nanananddda. Well, I can't rememberrr what it's called. But it's all mine. I don't have to share it with Frasierrr. He said that I was being silly when I showed it off to him but I think he was just jealous of mee. I have others I get to wear sometimes, but I think my new one is the best one.

Frasier kind of got in troubble. He played in the big yard and then he rann in our little doorrs. His feet were muddy, I don't think the people like mudd. Mommm and her Mommm cleaned our feet for us. I didn't like it at first, but that was because I thought my clawws were going to get trimmed. But then I saww that my Mommm was helping me to get all the mudd out from my toes. So I let her help meee. But Frasier didn't want to let his Mommm help him, he went back outside for a while but I didn't. I didn't want to get my feet dirrrty, I like them to bee clean. He's the silly one, if you ask meee.

I gotta go! I think I hear my food dish getting food put in it. There are really gooood smells in the cooking room, maybe we're going to get a taste!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree Maggie. YOU look very pretty in your bandanna. Froggy