Sunday, February 22, 2009

Busy Sunday!

We've been busy. I guess that's obvious by the title, right? :)

Bill finally agreed with me that we needed to rearrange our bedroom. So that's what we've been doing today. Part of the rearranging included cleaning out a few things, such as the tv and stereo that were in there but hardly ever get used. I think they'll be donated. Also, the two overflowing bookshelves have been cleaned off a little bit. Since the bed is no longer in front of the window, I brought my butler's cart from the dining room with the two plants it has on it and also two plant stands with peace lillies that are on either side of the cart. It looks great, and there is more room to walk in there. The bed is pretty big, so it's going to stick out far any way we arrange it. But this way, we have more room and a place for some of the plants. I also dusted and vacuumed the entire room, it gets vacuumed on a regular basis but some things don't get dusted very often because I can't reach them.

Since the butler's cart and two plant stands are out of the dining room window, it is less crowded in there as well. We moved the table closer to the window, which will make it easier to walk through the dining room to the kitchen.

Of course, we did have to work around a beagle! Frasier is smart, he went outside and has been outside pretty much all day. But Maggie is very curious, whatever is going she thinks she needs to be part of. Usually, she is in the middle of it. Today was no exception.

Hemming the prom dress took a lot longer than I expected. The bobbin case on my machine kept messing up. I finally got that fixed, but I had to loosen it up quite a bit and the stitches showed more than I wanted them to because they were not quite as tight due to the case being loosened. But it worked out great. I am not posting a picture of Otter on here, but I have already emailed them out to assorted family. She looked absolutely lovely. And I think Bill had a heartbreaking moment when he saw her in the dress, with her hair & makeup done. He had a strange look on his face - the same look I saw on my dad's face when he was about to walk me down the aisle and saw me in my wedding gown. You know, the look that dad's get when they realize that their little girls are grown up. And that they can't do anything about it. Then he said he was going to lock her in the bathroom and never, ever let her out. It was a hard moment for him. I'm going to get the dress on eBay, possibly today but more likely tomorrow.

New baby in the family! FutureJediMom has another future Jedi. He was born yesterday, I don't think he's been named yet - or at least they haven't announced his name. But considering that their first two are named Luke and Leah (Star Wars, get it?), we think that C3P0 would be a good name. Toadles, you are now even older! You seem to have quite a collection of grandchildren now. But Froggy and I will always be younger than you are!

We raised a lot of dust with our rearranging activities this morning. I already had a sinus headache and it didn't help, and I've also been sneezing a lot. I discovered something. I think the parakeet has learned to say "bless you". I sneezed, and the bird immediately chirped at me. It was the right rythm, I think he's heard us sneeze and somebody say "bless you" enough times to make the connection. (We all have allergies so we sneeze a lot). It takes him a while, but the parakeet is capable of learning and repeating. He also makes a squeek that is the same sound as Bill's tape gun and he has echoed some of the birds that we hear outside. The little blue featherbrain is fun, that's for sure.

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