Thursday, February 19, 2009

Warm Thursday!

It's in the 50's or thereabouts today. Which is nice, although probably not warm. But very warm for this time of year in NE OK. I think the groundhog must have seen someone else's shadow and mistaken it for his own.

But this is Oklahoma, after all. So it will change fast. And without warning. But then, TEXAS weather has that characteristic as well. Just maybe not quite as fast at changing as OK is, and it doesn't generally get quite as cold as it gets here. It will be nice tomorrow, then a cold front should hit tomorrow evening and if we are lucky then Saturday might get as high as 40 degrees. Which I think is how last weekend was. Whatever, I brought in plenty of firewood this morning. I might go get a little more later on.

I could also have titled this post as "Dog Day Thursday" because the hounds went to the vet. Frasier needed his rabies shot, and the vet looked him all over while he was there. His ears look pretty good, which for any other dog would probably be bad but with Frasier's ears we have learned to take what we can get and not complain. I think it's been about a week since the last time I had to treat them. The vet also checked the cyst spot on Frasier's leg. It's still there and probably always will be, but it did shrink up quite a bit. It has gotten as small as it is probably going to get, but like his ears - I'm happy with that because the other option is that it grows again. And we don't want that! He weighs 60 pounds today. Which means that he's gained a little weight.

Magginator also went to the vet. She was originally just going to go for moral support, but she has been dragging her rear a lot the last couple of days so guess what she got to do?! That's right, butt-squishing time for her. She was not pleased. I don't blame her, but it was necessary. It's been 2 1/2 months since the last time, and the vet said that it was a lot worse this time than it has been. I wouldn't say Maggie is exactly happy now, but she was very, VERY glad to leave the vet's office and come home. She could not get out of the door fast enough. Maggie weighed 30 pounds, she's down about 4 or 5. Which is a good thing, but she's still a fat beagle.

The White Lightning has a radio now. Bill put in a radio and speakers this week. I think he is planning on taking it tomorrow, he had a rock fly into the window of his Impala today and now there is a nice chip. I will probably take his Impala tomorrow and see if the repair place can come out and fix it while I'm at work. His old El Camino, the red one, had major chips that became major cracks in it's windshield. He didn't seem to mind, but I do! So I'll see if I can take care of it tomorrow. It is a safety hazard, after all, if the windshield cracks. FYI, the White Lightning is possibly not the final name, although I think it might be. But I'm not going to get his decorative license plate for a while yet. He could still change his mind!
I've put off hemming a certain green formal dress for long enough. Time to get busy with my needle and thread!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's been nice here, just lots of pollen in the air. Cool tonight and then warmer and maybe some drizzle on