Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not Maggie Monday!

She's taking the week off from blogging. She is probably planning her next trick. Today, I discovered that she gets Frasier running full-speed, then she runs under the shed. Which causes him to nearly fun INTO the shed, because he can't stop on a dime. I think she's trying to make him run into it. She was not running from him in the sense of being afraid, it was definetely part of her play. She did it several times, then she would wait for him and then rocket out as fast as she could go. Which is pretty fast, actually. She's done similar things when we play with her, she will run down the hall into our room and under the bed. Then she will wait until somebody comes looking, and she'll fly out from under the bed and back up the hall. Then she'll wait for the person chasing her to catch up, it's very obvious that she's enjoying it.

I don't think I posted this, but I nearly had a bad accident yesterday. It would have been heartbreaking. I was carrying in an armload of firewood and I dropped a piece of wood. And it bounced off of the lowest shelf on the entertainment center - the one where my Silver Turquoise Fenton is! I'm not too sure that it didn't hit the Fenton, it looks ok and I couldn't feel any damage. But the front part of the shelf is a little dented. I probably would have cried, and then probably said a few of those words I quit saying months ago. And then cried some more! And then I might have thrown something. When I told Bill about it, he said "Ouch!"

We got Otter's hair trimmed this afternoon. She says that now she no longer looks like a sheep dog. I didn't think she looked like one to start with, but I see what she means about her bangs not being so long anymore. Her hair looks good. I was going to get mine cut, but I decided against it. I am toying with the idea of letting it grow out again so I can do another Locks of Love donation. But I haven't completely made up my mind. For one thing, it would be literally several years before it would be long enough. My hair does grow quickly, but it has to be a certain length before they can use it. So I'm still thinking, but until I decide it would be kind of pointless to get it cut. Bill doesn't care, he'd love me to have long hair again - except that he'd probably prefer I keep it! Actually, while he does like long hair - like most guys - he supports my donating it, it's a very good cause.
Since Bill was such a Good Boy and bought me a Fuze for Valentine's Day and games for Otter, Otter and I decided that he deserved something special. So we stopped at Braums for a strawberry cheesecake ice cream pie. It's in the freezer now, but we are going to attack it after dinner. Somehow, they never last long in my house! Can't imagine why that is...

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