Sunday, February 15, 2009

Not so Blah Anymore!

Otter and I went thrifting. No Fenton, but she did find a pair of really cute shoes and she found me another stuffed armadillo for my TEXAS related collection. So it was fun. We went to two thrift stores, she also found a piece for her Liberty Falls collection - a wishing well. She's pretty sure she doesn't have that one. Toadly, is it part of your collection?

I think I'm going to enjoy my Fuze. That's the Ipod-type MP3 player Bill got me for Valentine's Day. I got a better set of ear buds when I was out, and I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. It does work in the car, the stereo I have has a jack for it. We thought it did. The one in the old car didn't, it also didn't have a cd player. But it did have a cassette player - cassettes have gone the way of the 8-track, I'm afraid. But now, I can listen to my music and be happy. I have varied tastes, I pretty much like all type of music. Except rap, which is NOT music and certainly not what I consider to be singing or a song. It just isn't. I don't really care for disco,either. Except for the Bee Gees! But I am all over the spectrum, as far as music styles go. Drives Bill nuts that I like Country. But I also like rock and just about all of it. But I'm not a big Elvis fan, although there are a couple of songs I like.

Frasier is trying to get Maggie mad, I think. This time, Otter was playing tug with Maggie and Frasier grabbed the old hand towel that we use as a tug toy since they seem to last the longest, then he ran outside with it as fast as he could go. I yelled at him as he was flying past me and he dropped it before he got too far. I guess he is jealous, although he never wants to play like that and he was getting affection at the time. Who knows what goes on in those doggie brains! But apparently, Maggie does still have a brain in her head. Although I'm not saying that it works really well!

While we were out, Otter and I went to the library. Big surprise, right?! Anyway, we saw a bumper sticker that we thought was just perfect for Toadles. I tried to find it online so I could post it here, but no luck. It was very simple. And very appropriate. It said "I don't know where I'm going." I'd love to find one for you, brudder!

And Toadly - did I ever own up to the Over The Hill & Picking Up Speed bumper sticker that just appeared on your truck one time? I think I did, but just in case - IT WAS ME. :) But I did not make the phone call that you got in the middle of the night that was apparently following the theme of the bumper sticker. Did you ever ask FutureJediMom if it was her or one of her friends? Or Froggy?
OK, back to my laundry mountain now. Have I ever mentioned how much I hate to do laundry? Well, I do.


Anonymous said...

The phone call was not me.

Otter Mom said...

I have a suspicion that it was one of FutureJediMom's friends. But I wish it had been me, it was priceless.