Friday, February 06, 2009

It's Not a Frasier Friday

It's just Friday.

Frasier is off somewhere, I think he's outside in the dog's yard. With his rawhide chew bone. Magginator is inside, she's parked between my chair and Otter's chair. Her rawhide chew bone is in the doorway to the room we are in. She's about 3 feet away from it, staring intently at it. Every so often, she'll get up and go move it a few inches. Then she'll give it a lick or two before coming back to lie down between us. She's baiting Fraiser, we think. She has done this before, she will put stuff where she knows he has to see it and then she will grab it before he can take it outside. But with the way she acted over rawhide chips a couple of weeks back, we are keeping an eye on her and if we hear him coming then somebody will grab the rawhide chew bone before he gets to it and hopefully before Maggie throws a fit! She hid the chewbone in the middle of Otter's bed last night, covered up by her (Maggie's) purple blanket.

I went to Michael's and Hobby Lobby on my lunch hour today. Between the two stores, I bought 4 matted flower (photograph) pictures for the bathroom. Of course, when I got home I discovered that I only had 3 frames. So that means a trip to Wallyworld on Sunday, since that is where I got the three frames and I'd like them to match somewhat. The three pictures I could frame are hanging on the bathroom wall, the 4th picture is standing up on the counter top against the wall until I get a frame for it. Which will probably be Sunday.

We went to a thrift store after I picked up Otter from school. I donated all the palm tree stuff, with the exception of the bedspread. It might be donated next week, after I wash it. I have to see what shape it's in, I don't think that there are any stains, tears, etc., but I won't donate it if it's has anything like that. While at the thrift store, I did look for a drinking glass for the bathroom but didn't find any. They did have one possible Fenton piece, but I'm not paying $15.00 for a maybe and I might not have paid that amount for a definite anyway! Unless it was one of a few specific pieces. But I did find a couple of things, including another shot glass for Bill's Useless Collection. We looked through the baby clothes very quickly, but they didn't have anything we thought would work on Magginator.
It's very windy today. It's also in the 70's. Quite a change from this time last week. Tomorrow should be like today. Although I'm not sure if it will be as windy. I hope not, it's about 6 weeks early for the real wind that we get in this area. That's when we expect the beagle to take flight, with those long ears of hers! Maybe it's a good thing she is so heavy? :)

I am about to starve, so I'm going to post this now and go make dinner. I'm being a very bad girl tonight, we are having chili dogs. And I don't mean that we are icing Frasier & Maggie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Frasier says that it is not fair that he got skipped.
Maggie gets all the good stuff.
