Thursday, February 12, 2009

A Couple More Thursday Thoughts

Blogger is being weird. The last two times I've posted, or attempted to, it's saved & posted all on it's own. It has an auto-save feature but that doesn't actually post the entry. But lately, it's saving and posting so if you happen to check my blog and it's blank but has a title, or looks like I've quit in the middle of a sentence just come back in a few minutes because it probably did it's new thing and posted before I was ready!

On to my other Thursday thoughts. Well, the first one is Fenton. I went back to the crafty place on Main Street and brought home the blue piece I saw yesterday. I had a suspicion of what it was, but I had to come home and check my books first. I found what I thought I would, and now I have a piece of silver turquoise which is fairly rare. That particular color/style was made from 1956 to July of 1959 and there were less styles than most patterns. I paid a little more than I usually do, but I still got a very good buy so I'm happy. I had never actually seen silver turquoise "in person", just in books before and I have to say that it is beautiful.

Froggy's new collection is another thought today. I looked at the crocheted pot holders, but they didn't have anything I particularly liked so I'll keep looking. Which gives me an excuse to go thrifting! Also, to yard sales this spring and summer. But then I generally hit those anyway.

Froggy, regarding your trip to OK/my trip to SA: I have no idea what my summer plans are this year. We were talking about a trip July 4th week but then Sweetie said that some of Bill's siblings may be coming up here that week. So we are still waiting to see what happens with that. I know you've been here twice, but I've still made more trips to TEXAS than you have to OK! :) I would like to come see you for a few days, but I'm not sure if it's going to work this year or not. So if you would like a vacation away from home, which I think you should want just because, then you should come see me this summer and then next year I might manage to come see you. But we still have time to figure out and plan.

Speaking of vacations, Bill and Otter are off on Monday for President's Day. I'm taking a day of vacation on Monday, so I'll be off with them. Bill is off Tuesday and Wednesday, he's burning vacation time so he doesn't lose it. I'm just glad I have a 3-day weekend coming up, because I really need it.

Otter and I ran errands today and spent about an hour in Wallyworld, buying groceries. It was a little crowded, we usually like to go right after school/work so we can get in and out before the crowd and we try to NEVER EVER go on Friday afternoon. But we had a few other things to do first (such as go buy more Fenton!) and we didn't get there until after 4:00. We still managed to get through reasonably quick, but I am tired and my feet are not happy with me.

But I'm also hungry, so I think I'm going to go make dinner now. It's either going to be hamburgers or that Texas staple chili. I'm leaning towards chili, but I think I'll let Bill decide for once. And then I might just make chili anyway!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill would vote for chili, I think.
We will have to talk about the summer plans. I don't know that I will be able to swing a trip this summer. We will talk about it.
What about pictures of the new Fenton piece? Froggy