Sunday, March 01, 2009


I know it's March 1st already, but here is my February book list. What little there is of it, that is.

1. 50 Years Down a Country Road by Ralph Emery with Patsi Bale Cox.

2. Goldie - A Lotus Grows in the Mud by Goldie Hawn. I expected a liberal blast, I was pleasantly surprised.
3. Politics & Pot Roast by Sarah Hood Saloman. This one was funny, it's a cookbook with recipes & information about all the Presidents of the US up to and including George W. Bush.
4. Little House in the Big Woods

5. Little House on the Prarie.

6. On the Banks of Plum Creek.

7. By the Shores of Silver Lake.

(4 - 7 are obvious re-reads, they are also quick and since I was out of anything else to read I went back to some of my old favorites).

8. Dashing Through the Snow by Mary Higgins Clark and Carol Higgins Clark. Fast and fluff, but I wanted something quick to read. Extremely predictible, not exactly what I would consider great literature.

9. American Pattern Glass Table Sets by Gene & Cathy Florence. I think I've read it before, but I have been doing research on something and this one helped a lot.

That's it, 9 books. February is a short month, it was also a very busy one.

Yesterday was the 16th anniversary of our move to OK. So we had cake! It came from WalMart's bakery, but it was still pretty good.

Froggy's collection has been started! I decided she needed to collect something, and she agreed. So I suggested a couple of things, and she decided on crocheted pot holders. I have been looking, I've seen some plain ones but I wanted to start her out with cute ones. She now has two, although they are still at my house. I am going to see about a couple more, and I will probably make her a couple. That way, she has a collection that is functional as well as cute & fun. Froggy, do you want pictures now? OR do you want pictures later when I'm finished? OR do you just want to be surprise?

Otter and I went thrifting today, along with crocheted pot holders, we found her 3 blouses. She is probably going to need a completely new summer wardrobe. She had 3 or 4 pairs of shorts that she's worn for the last couple of years but she's outgrown them. The same thing applies to her t-shirts! She found two really cute spaghetti strap style tank tops today, and another blouse. No shorts yet, but it's a little early. Froggy - her stuff and your pot holders came from the thrift where you found your ceramic tree. I also found a ceramic coffee mug with an armadillo that is patterened with the TEXAS flag, at the same place. No Fenton today, although there were a couple of possibles but I wasn't sure and since they were more than I wanted to pay for maybes, I left them there.

And we also have Girl Scout cookies! The Girl Scouts were selling them at the door to WalMart, so of course we had to buy some. We bought three boxes, then as we were checking out I sent Otter out there to buy another box. They won't last long, but they are always good. Cookies are probably what Otter enjoyed the most from her years in Scouting. I was her Troop Leader for most of those years.
Bill's finished with the top of the quilt he's making. His quilt and the one I'm making for Otter are both at the same stage now, the tops are done. I might get the backing & batting done on mine this week. I'm not sure when he's going to get his finished up, since he's concentrating on cleaning out the garage right now (and we are NOT sidetracking him!).
I am finally completely finished with the bathroom & bedroom, I finished the trash can for the bathroom yesterday. And I'm just about finished with the kitchen. I hung all my toys on the wall in the kitchen yesterday, I have some small copper molds that Mom gave me and one larger one that she also gave me, they are on the top of the doorway from the dining room to the living room. The only thing that I lack is the finishing touch involving the cookie cutters, and I got what I needed for it today. After I've completed the last stage with the cookie cutters, I'll post pictures. I don't have a lot of wall space in the kitchen, but I think it turned out pretty well. The old house had a large kitchen, lots of counter space & cabinets but almost no wall space. This house has a smaller kitchen, but a little more wall space. I think I'm pretty much through with my kitchen, but I might still find the occasional antique gadget to put in there.
Since it's Sunday, I'm also doing laundry. But now I think I'll go see what there is on tv and rest my tired feet!


Anonymous said...

Mary and Carol Higgins Clark books are usually fun reads. I am working my way through Water in Texas-interesting but not an easy book. It has so much info. The other book I am reading is A Perfect Red-natural dyes, and Remarkable Plants of Texas.
I am also reading a lot of bird books-how to identify them, their sounds, etc. The fiction I am reading is mostly about women and friendships-some are mystery and some are just stories.

Anonymous said...

The last comment was from me-Froggy. I ran out of room. I want to be surprised about the pot holders.
Keep Bill on the garage. We spent yesterday cleaning out all the old computer junk that was stored in the closet. Most of it was garbage. Then we went and bought a new printer/copier/fax/scanner. The only thing is doesn't do is color. When you added color they were out of the budget.
Then we reran the cables in the bedroom and dusted everything from the ceiling down, except the ceiling fan. I am doing that today. Froggy