Saturday, March 07, 2009

Does Anybody Know What Time It Is?

It's time once again to set our clocks forward an hour. I usually catch all mine before we go to bed, then if I wake up in the night I have no idea what time it actually is! Personally, I think we should just abandon the whole idea of Daylight Savings Time. There is at least one state that doesn't recognize it, and there are some groups such as the Amish who don't. And they seem to do ok. So I think that the rest of us would be just fine!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should just have one time and leave it alone. I don't care which one. I hate the day that we change time, I am tired that day and off balance for the next few days. The only good thing is that the public schools here have spring break this week, so I don't have to get up early. Scooter is off also this week. The Aggie have school until next week. Froggy