Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Few Cold Sunday Morning Shots

It's still pretty cold and there is frozen snow everywhere, but it is going to be well above freezing today and it will melt quickly. The sidewalks and driveway are already clear. The street has dry patches already. It's still pretty cold this morning, we had a fire and enjoyed it during breakfast. We might not have any more fires until the fall now.
Bill thinks we got about 6" of snow yesterday. It was nice while it lasted.
This is sideways, but we still have tulips! There are a few that have fallen over, but they look good considering the low temps we've had and the snow.
Still sideways! Most of them are standing up pretty good and there are still several that have not bloomed yet but should be opening up pretty soon.

I took this from inside the dining room window, that is my prickly pear in the front of the picture. The pear is growing another leaf. The cardinal sat out on the windowsill for a long time. I put seed out there for the birds, as well as a few peanuts for the bluejay that has been visiting. I tried to get a picture of the woodpecker I saw, but he stayed on the opposite side of the tree and all I could see was his head every so often. I've never seen a woodpecker at a feeder before this morning.

I was standing out at the end of the drivewy when I took this shot. That was after I slid down the driveway on the only icy patch still out there!

This is the bluebonnet! I won't uncover it until after everything is melted. It might be ok.

This is the tree behind the shed in the back yard. It was loaded with birds, they were at the feeders until I went outside and then they all flew to the tree. They came back after I went inside.

This one was also taken from inside the dining room window. It's the other male cardinal. The two males fought a few times yesterday. But now I think that they have other things on their minds, because one of them will not leave a particular female alone.

Bird tracks!

The feeders and the back fence that we couldn't see yesterday with the snow fall. The fence is probably about 30 feet from the house. The dogs have not had access to the back yard, so there is still quite a bit of bird seed on the ground.

The quilt Bill made for me!

A close-up of the backing. It's a light green color, it reflected the flash more than I thought it would so it almost looks white but it is green.

A close-up of the pattern in the middle of the quilt. This is for the person who said that the Christmas quilts for Nana and Sweetie must have been made in China - notice the same fabric as the backs for those two quilts? Also, some of the fabric left from my kitchen curtains.

Remember those shirts we bought last June at an auction? We sold a boatload of them, kept a lot, donated more than I can count and still had several small sizes that didn't sell. So Bill turned them into quilt scraps! Creative recycling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. I hope mine is as pretty when I finish it. Is he signing his quilts and dating them? If he isn't then you should.