Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Lotta Watta!

It rained this morning. It rained LOTS! It was a short rain, but it was a serious rain because it rained a lot in a very short period of time. My nearly empty rain barrel is now full. Absolutely full. My indoor plants are pleased, they don't have to rely on treated tap water. They've gotten kind of used to being watered with rain water.
I checked the tulips, bluebonnet and trees. They seem to have weathered the storm fine, although I don't know if this area had any hail. (I was at work). I'll get pictures in a few days. My redbud tree is leafing out, I'm very pleased about that.
Of course, the hailstorm that was at the end of the thunderstorm was something I could have done without. But I don't think that the car has any dings.

Here's the spectacular news I hinted at the other day:

(drumroll please)


Well, actually it's an old job. Specifically, it's HIS old job. The one he was originally hired for, way back when. He'll be a Bench Technician again, but that is what he always wanted to be and is in fact why he got his Electronics Engineering degree. He's not changing employers, just departments. He won't be making any more money, but it will be a much better "environment" and I think I'll leave it at that. He will officially transfer on Tuesday, April 14. He will have the same hours and will be at the same place he works now, just a few doors down. He won't have to be running up and down ladders, crawling through filthy attics and pulling cable. He'll actually be able to use his degree, knowledge and experience. The downside is that we won't be meeting for lunch very often, but he will probably be taking his lunch which will be better for him.

God is good. He has answered our prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how long ago did he wash the cars?
Congrats on the job.