Monday, March 16, 2009

Otter's Asthma & Allergy Update

The short version is: Otter's doing great!

The long version is: Otter's check up was today, this is the 3 months later visit. Her pulmonary function (PF) tests were extremely good. The doctor examined her, checked her lungs, etc. And then he told me that we have a miracle on our hands. Her PF has improved 105% over what she was blowing just 3 months ago. He said he's never seen that much improvement that fast, in fact he's never seen anyone improve over 100% EVER. And not very often has he seen it improve 100%.

I think the question of whether or not to put her back in karate has been answered. The answer is no, it is not advisable. Her asthma has changed, it is now officially excercise induced. Which is common, but not necessarily common for it to change after 15 years of it not being excercise induced.

She still has asthma, it never goes away. And hers is still active. It's just a whole lot better. But the outlook is much better, just a few months ago it looked like she was at the top of the peak and was about to start heading down but now it looks like she is probably still at the top and evening out. Which could/should last for a very long time - like years, and then she might not ever trend downward. This is about as good as it gets, folks. She goes back in 6 months.

Thank God! He is good and He hears our prayers. We lay this wonderful occurance right at His feet. He has truly blessed us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

