Monday, March 02, 2009

Monday Thoughts

Maggie is taking the day off from her normal Monday blogging adventures. She's too busy snoozing. But I do have a Maggie story: When Otter came home, Maggie was waiting at the door as she does every day. Wiggling and hardly able to stand up, as usual. But when Otter came around the corner of the driveway and Maggie could see her, I heard something interesting from the dog. She's talkative normally, but this time she was really talkative. I wish I'd had Otter's video camera. Because I would have captured a very clear "MAMA" from Maggie as soon as she saw Otter.
Speaking of Otter, it's impossible to believe that she will be 17 in just a few short weeks. I'm not sure where the time has gone. And we won't even imagine the effect it has on her father!
I think that something is blooming. I'm not sure what it is specifically, but I was hoping for a longer break after the below freezing temperatures we had over the weekend. I guess not! I've had a sinus headache off and on for a couple of hours and also a small nosebleed this afternoon. I like spring. I just don't like spring allergies! And with the relatively mild winter we had, it's going to be a bad season for bugs. I've already seen a few mosquitos. Not a good sign, this early!
Froggy, Toadly (& FutureJediMom if you want to participate), I'm still thinking about family cooking stories. I'm looking for something different, besides what we've already covered. Like early memories of cooking lessons, making cookies would be an example. Stuff like that.
OK, I'm going to go take a motrin or something for my sinus headache now. I don't want it anymore, it needs to go away and since it isn't going away on it's own I'm going to help it along.


Anonymous said...

From practical experience it will get
harder for Otter's dad in the next few years. Tell him to enjoy every moment while he can. You too. They move away to fast. Froggy

Otter Mom said...

Otter's dad has already been advised by a couple of people that he needs to get the shotgun ready!