Thursday, March 05, 2009

Update the Score

The score has changed. Instead of Asthma 1, Otter 0 it should read Asthma 1, Otter 0, Tummy Bug 6!

I don't think Otter's problem was caused by the asthma. Rather, I think the asthma was a symptom of a bug that she has which aggravated the asthma but also caused severe & frequent upchucking. Because asthma doesn't send one to the bathroom to barf, nor does it cause a low-grade fever. Or a headache. She's still at home today, we let her sleep in today and Bill stayed home with her. She is much better, although still slightly weak but she's able to at least keep food down today. Bill brought her sprite yesterday, and she's been drinking that today along with water, water, water.

But I'm afraid that I am coming down with it. I have had the headache since this morning and my stomach has felt odd at times. I don't feel too good but I went in to work anyway. I had a few things that I needed to do and by the time I was finished up, my older boss came in and promptly proceeded to yell at me to go home because he could tell I didn't feel well. I had already decided that I wasn't going to make the day because I was starting to feel so bad. I'm taking motrin and trying to head off the worst symptoms that Otter had to deal with yesterday. She will be back at school tomorrow most likely. I'll see how I feel in the morning, it seems to be a couple of days duration.

I think I'm going to go lie down for a while now. I might have more to say later on. I'm just glad that the week is nearly over.

(Later). I took a 2+ hour nap, which helped but I do have fever. It's after dinner and my stomach feels ok, but the rest of me doesn't! So I'm probably going to be home tomorrow. But Otter is much better and will be going to school tomorrow, so there is that to be happy about. She was pretty sick! So the score for me is Illness 1, Ottermom 0.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ginger ale is good for upset stomachs, also.
When is it hubby's turn? never I hope.