Friday, March 27, 2009

Rainy Friday

It's been raining pretty much non-stop since yesterday evening. It rained off and on yesterday and today has been alternating between a nice, slow rain and thunderstorms with lots of water. Lots of water! And a few bouts of striking lightning, but nothing bad in our area. But we need this rain, so I'm not complaining. However, there has been a little hail mixed in with the rain at times and I could do without that.

I'm home with a sick Otter today. She is much better but not quite school-ready so she stayed home today. I've been doing laundry and cleaning, I also made bread. I think the dogs have enjoyed Otter being home, they got to stay inside. I did put them out for a little while, they were not amused! But they got a treat and got to come back in soon.

I've realized something. I set out to simplify and slow down, but it's been the opposite for about the last month. I have been busier than I have in a long time. I think it's time to get back to slowing down. I have a tendency to overload myself and I think I did it again. Gotta work on that!

Bill has had a big project, the garage cleaning, and I've been helping him with that. He's just about done. He has a new project that he's nearly through with: insulating the attic over the garage. He has done most of it, but the part that's left is the area where he put wood down to make flooring and there are shelves & boxes there. Those things have to be moved, the wood has to be taken up, the insulation will be put down and then the boards will have to be put back down. They are nailed down so it will take a few hours. I think we'll work on that Sunday afternoon. It's something we can still get done even if we do get the cold, wintery weather that is forecast.

Then I think it's time to work on calming down again! I actually prefer a slower paced life, we all do.

I noticed something at WalMart last night. They have nearly done away with the fabric department. A year or so ago, WalMart announced that they were going to close that department. Then there was an outcry and they backtracked. But at the same time, the fabric department in the stores in our area started getting smaller and the clearance area got bigger. There was an announcement made around that time that new stores would not have a fabric department. One of the local stores did away with their fabric department several months ago, and also most of the craft stuff as well. Then last night at the store by our house, there were clearance signs all over the fabric area and most of it was already gone.

I hear Cute & Stinky (also known as Maggie & Frasier) in the living room, sounds like they might be into something so I'd better go check on them. They are good dogs, but they are also sneaky sometimes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Most of the walmarts here have gotten rid of or just not had a craft/material dept. We have 2 that still have them. 1 is real small and then 1 is great and has a lot of material.
Taking things slow and easy is good, just not always something that I do.
Oak pollen is a little over 8000 today. I am really feeling it. Froggy