Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday Stuff!

It's been a nice day. It started out slowly, but it got busy. But it was still a nice day.

After we got home from church, Bill decided to wash cars. He started out to just wash his two but since mine was sitting there in the driveway he washed it as well. So it will rain, probably at least 3 days since there are 3 cars. Then, as if that wasn't enough, he waxed all three. Starting with mine, so he could be finished in time for Otter and I to go to a movie. Since they are waxed, we'll probably have hailstorms with the rain that he will have caused! :) But his El Camino is absolutely incandescent! I did help him wax mine, my arms will be sore tomorrow. My muscles are tight in both arms, but mostly my right arm so I might have to hold off a day or to as far as crochet goes. :(

Movie review: Coraline. Otter has been wanting to see it, so we finally went. It was surprisingly good. We saw it in 3-D, it's also out in "regular" but if you go see it I strongly suggest 3-D. It is a little more than a regular ticket, but it was well worth it. It's not really scary, but it might be for younger kids. But the animation was excellent.

Froggy, you said you might still manage a trip here this summer. I hope so. We need to go here: and then we need to go here: I've been to both places, Kansas is not that far from me and we could make it a day trip.

Both doggies have new jewelry to show off. Doggie bling in my house means new collars. Maggie's collar was just barely big enough for her, it was that way when we bought it so I'm not making a comment about her fluffiness! It was also starting to come apart. Frasier's collar was originally a very bright, flourescent orange (they are made for hunting dogs to wear) but it had faded to a dull orangeish color. He needs a collar that is easily seen, since he looks like a coyote and we didn't want him to get shot. He hasn't gotten out in a while, but I'm always expecting to come home and find him out of the yard. Maggie's new collar is still pink, this time it has silver polka dots on it so it's still girly. I briefly considered a pink collar with rhinestones on it for Frasier, but I decided to leave the dog what (little) dignity he still has! WalMart didn't have any like what he had, so I went with bright yellow instead. Maggie is funny about her collar, she gets very clingy when it's taken off. It's very important to her, and she does NOT like to be without it. She was a basket case when Otter had to keep taking it off of her to adjust it to fit. Frasier, on the other hand, is happy with or without his.

While we were at the theater, we saw the first poster for the new Star Trek movie. I'm really apprehensive about it, it is an odd number after all. But what I have seen in the previews looks very good. The actor who plays Spock is the same actor who plays one of the main bad guys in the tv show Heroes and it looks like's nailed the part of Spock. The main character of TOS (The Original Series) was meant to be Kirk, the Captain. But I'm thinking that the movie may be more of a focus on Spock. Yes, it is one we'll see in the theater! And because of what it is, it will get the full treatment: popcorn, cokes, candy. I just hope that this will be the one to break the Star Trek Curse - also known as Even Numbers Don't Suck!
But I'm still not holding my breath. However, I am going to see it with an open mind. And probably pretty quick after it opens, I'd like to see it before I hear any reviews.
I don't remember if I mentioned this or not, but our problem neighbors have mended the fence. Well, they nailed a board on the bottom of the fence the entire length. Possibly two boards. But at least they made an effort. Otter and I are about to go out and remove all the bricks, cinderblocks, stepping stones, milk cans, etc. that we blocked holes with.
We have about 6 tulips in bloom now, and more buds about to open. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow. They look very nice. Lots of them are the red with yellow edge blooms. I think it's going to be a nice spring, many things bloomed early this year and I expect that we will have a longer blooming season because of it. I'm not complaining! I just hope that we don't get that Other Thing that spring in this area is known for...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have heard that the movie Australia is very good. It is supposed to be very long also.
Still working on a summer visit to you. Dogs-somehow Cookie lost her collar. We haven't seen it in a week or two. I bought a new one, but it is to small. I will be getting her a new one.
One of my daffodils actually bloomed. It is so pretty. No tulips this year.