Saturday, March 28, 2009

Bill Got His Wish!!!

He said he wanted one more "good snow" before the weather got warm. And today, he got it. Actually, it's probably the only actual snow we got all winter, since most of the snow was accompanied by lots and lots of ice. Today started out with a cold rain that changed over to snow much earlier than the forecast called for.

The official measurement is 4 to 6" with as much as 9" in some places. We are probably over 6". It's been coming down all day, and some of the flakes were huge. At times, we could not see past the back fence because the snow was so heavy.

We have put the fireplace to use today! I brought in 5 armloads of wood yesterday. We've already gone through that and brought in 3 more. Most of the wood was cut in somewhat short pieces. We've been in front of it all day long, it was really nice. The doggies seemed to appreciate it as well.

I put out 6 bird feeders yesterday shortly before it got dark. I've refilled two of them this afternoon. We have seen cardinals of both genders, two different kinds of sparrows, starlings, chickadees, wrens, crows and at least one mockingbird. And a very fat squirrel!

The small elm tree in the front was bowed over pretty far, it has just enough leaves to trap the snow. We shook it off this afternoon and it bounced back quite a bit. I think it will be ok. I covered the bluebonnet last night with a plastic cup since that was the only thing I could find, and piled as much dirt around the sides as I could. The tulips could still be ok, they are pretty sturdy. But if they do freeze, we have at least had time to enjoy them although not as long as normal.

This type of weather is not unusual, at this time of year. The conditions were exactly like the last time we had a late snow, and late snows seem to be heavy.

Our church has cancelled services tomorrow, it's going to be in the 20's tonight and there is enough slush on the roads that they will be treacherous tomorrow. At least in the morning.

Also, Bill finished the quilt he made for us today. I finished my crochet project, the new holder for my glasses. But mostly, we just stayed in and enjoyed our family time in front of the fireplace.

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